Seeking relatives & friends
Please click here to pay for your notice

Seeking information and contact details for EISIKOVICH BIANCA and BERTA COHEN last known to be in Melbourne, Australia

Please contact urgently:   Attorney YAEL VERED   Phone (Israel) 972 – 5227 17759


Seeking Relatives of Zipora (Haia?) – Shpilberg (or Spielberg )

born in Płoskirów
(today known as Khmel'nyts'kyi, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine)

Had two brothers named David (Born in 1901, lived in Israel) & Haim (lived in Israel)

Zipora married and lived in Australia - A picture of Zipora and her family is attached

If you have any information please contact Eyal Shpilberg at

JACK JACOB LEDERMAN - information has been found
I am looking for relatives of Mr Robert (Bertie) Crane born 1909? died August 1966.

He lived in Perth WA before moving to NSW in 1930. His father's name was Peter Spencer and his mother Florence Rachael. He had two children a boy and girl.

If you are a relative I would love to hear from you. 

Contact: Jennifer Walker

Seeking  Family of Robert Desider Louis Frederick – Engineer Melbourne

Born:1897 Iclaud Hungary or Romania    Died:Melbourne 1956.         

Parents: Louis Frederick and Hermina Solomon.

Married to Beatrice, daughter Nina (1/2 sister to me).     Believe he had a brother Alexander living in USA.

Lived: 1949 @ 162 Buckley St, Essendon Vic Australia , 1954@ 1540 High Street Malvern, Vic Australia . Also with my Mother @1039 Pt. Nepean Highway, Moorabbin Vic Australia till 1956.

Looking for any living relatives with information on my father, or contact from cousins etc.

If you have any information please contact  Robert Frederick -

A teacher and class in Italy are doing a project seeking anyone with information about contact with Giorgio Perlasca.
Please click here for full details

Muriel Baker (formerly Eprile) is my cousin. I am Helen, daughter of Sidney and Eva Esterson and Muriel.
I would love to be in touch with Muriel again.

If you have any information please email Helen Lowe -

Kurt Krebs was born 1921 in Breslaw and had a sister Erma. 
He died in New York May 1973.

He left my mother Hilda nee Heyman in 1944 or 1945 in Shanghai China.

I am Peter, son of Hilda and Kurt living in Australia and dearly wishing to know if there are any relatives of my late father.
Please email:
Some time back I posted a notice looking for "relatives of Helen Strauss", specifically William "Buddy" Fox.  I just received a message in response.  Thank you so much for publishing my request and allowing one of your readers to send me the information I needed.

Sandra Berg, Overland Park, Kansas City, Missouri
SEEKING FAMILY OF Albert Victor MYERS, b. 1887 Melbourne
Rabbi Morris MYERS, a cousin of my great-great-grandfathers Hyman and Peretz BLUESTONE, came from Suwalki, Lithuania to Melbourne about 1860
with his young son Isidore, whose mother had apparently died in Lithuania.

Morris remarried in 1875 to Rachel JONES (1855-1937) and had 4 children:
*Phoebe Hynda (1876-1929) m. Jos. PHILLIPS
*Edward Myer (1881-before 1922)
*Montefure Felix (1887-1887)
*Albert Victor (1887-after 1922)

I am looking for any surviving descendants of Morris MYERS and Rachel JONES.

I believe Phoebe and Edward were childless, but I have been unable to find any evidence of Albert Victor MYERS after 1922, when he was named in his half-brother Isidore's obituary.

Isidore MYERS was the founding rabbi of synagogues in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and was the father of the movie and TV actress Carmel MYERS. I am in touch with her family, who would be interested in finding Australian cousins.

Please contact: Dick Plotz
104 Eleventh St
Providence RI 02906, USA
(1-401) 861-0892

The Australian Red Cross (International Tracing and Refugee Service)
is endeavouring to trace two people:

1. Name:  AKERMAN, Ethel          

Place & Date of Birth:  Rodom, Poland , approx. 1929                             

2. Name: ZILBERG, Mart        

Place & Date of Birth:  Odessa , Ukraine , approx. 1940                    

Father:   ZILBERG, Mikhail                                                               
Mother:  ZILBERG, Fira                                         

For anyone with information, please contact
Alla Pilman JP
Policy & Information Manager
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies

(02) 9360 1600 (w)
(02) 9331 4712 (f) 0410 618140    (m)



I am trying to locate my cousin Leah (Liya) Sheket, nee Rosman, born about 1959 in Transylvania ( Romania )

She lived in Moscow, USSR, until 1973 when she emigrated to Israel with her mother.

Her mother was professor of physics at the University of Jerusalem.
Leah is reportedly married with two children and lives in Haifa.

For any information regarding her wherabouts please contact:

Alexandra Aikhenvald

phone: 61-3-94796402/ 9455-0020


I am looking for descendants of the following:

1-Ozyasz Dym and Adele Damast Dym who migrated to Melbourne in 1948 with children Lola and Regina.

2-Elias Szulum Damast who migrated to Melbourne

3-Solomon Damast and Nina Damast who migrated in Australia 1949 with son Baruch.

If you have any information please contact
Leon Gold at
 or P.O. Box 31093
Santa Barbara, California 93130-1093 U.S.A.
I am looking for information regarding my grandfather's family.

All we know about his background is that he met my grandmother in South Africa, he changed his name from Cohen to Martin-Collins and his religion to Church of England, they married in Durban in 1917, then left for England in 1919.

Whilst there they had three sons (one my father).

My grandfather died in 1924 but made mention of having three brothers called Cohen who were working for a company called Jolly Old Fellows Ltd of Pitt Street, Sydney at this time.

Does this ring any bells for anyone?

Patricia Collins
Piraeus, Greece
Please contact at


My name is Eugenia Doina Bruno and I am looking for Wilhelm Engler.

He could be aged about 90. He left Bucharest, Romania in 1948 at the age of about 26, and immigrated to Australia.

He came to Australia only with his mother, as he did no have a father.

The person seeking him is my friend 78 year old Viorica Verbovschi, a violinist living in Italy. I have known her since 1969, when I started to play violin in the Romanian Opera.

Wilhelm Engler was last known to be a businessman and living in Melbourne.

If you can help, please contact
Doina Bruno on

Phone number in Melbourne: (03) 9327-8777


After posting my "seeking relatives" notice three years ago, this New Year's day I heard from Brett Govinder of Sydney, who is my second cousin. "Could I be the person you're looking for?" he asked. HE WAS!!!

He and his sisters didn't for sure know that they had any blood relatives. We have spoken, exchanged photographs--and tuned into missing parts of our ongoing stories. Plus my Aunt Inge spoke to her first cousin, Rosemarie, for the first time since 1938, which is really the most important thing. Lost twigs from a broken family tree have at last been somewhat reconnected.

It's amazing.
Best wishes and thanks, Claudia Dreifus


Lilly Oppenheimer Rabinowitz, the daughter of Joseph Oppenheimer of Berlin, Germany, who immigrated to Australia in 1938-1939 and who died there in an auto accident in the early 1940s, is sought by her first cousins in New York City, USA.

Ms. Rabinowitz, if she is still alive, would be in her 80's now. 

Her relatives are the daughters and granddaughters of Emma Oppenheimer Willdorf, Joseph Oppenheimer's older sister, and the only other survivor the Holocaust of what was once an old and distinguished Sephardic family that came to Germany via the long journey of Spain, Portugal and Holland. 

In the last century, parts of the family settled in  Cosel, in Silesia, Breslau, and eventually, Berlin. 
Great-grandmother's maiden name: Boss/Boas.

I would be grateful to hear from them directly, or anyone who with any information about the family after it arrived in Australia.

Please contact: Claudia Dreifus, 158 Ninth Avenue, New York, New York 10011, USA.
Phone: 212-929-8852 or 212-724-3053,  email  
I am the granddaughter of Emma Willdorf and am an American journalist writing for the New York Times/Science Times.


I am looking for my cousins.
Ray Joels-married to a Dr Joels
Annie Smorgen-married to an Eric Smorgen

Both are my mothers' cousins and would be in their 80's/90's.
Their maiden name would have been Bernstein.
Their mother was Sophie Bernstein, nee Branson, whose brother was Walter Branson, my mother's father.
If any family see this, please pass on this message.

My mother is alive. Her maiden name was Gertrude Branson.

Only clue was that uncle Eric was involved in fishing canneries, and that both sisters lived around Melbourne.

If you have any details please contact Bryan Marks
72 Cartvale road
G42 9SW
United Kingdom

We are trying to locate

We do have the following facts which could help in this search:

Born in Poland around the year 1925.

At the end of the second World war Feigale Rant and her brother Hazke ( Yechezkiel) Rant were in Vegshait, near Linz, Austria, the year was 1947.

It was there in Vegshait they met Yossele (Yosef) and Meir Halbertal.

They were in barrak #82 of the Israel Workers Union.

Feigale Rant married and moved to Australia ( perhaps to Melbourne) with her husband and her brother.
Yossele and Meir Halbertal moved to Uruguay in South America.

Yoday Yossele Halbertal lives in Jerualem, Israel.
He is 78 and he very much wants to find and speak with Feigale Rant.

For any information regarding her wherabouts please contact:
Yossele Halbertal 972-2-6720020
Rechov meir nakar 109 apt 6 Talpiot Mizraj. Jerusalem.

Email: nephesh@

Seeking Jews of Losice, Poland
I am scouring the four corners of the globe searching for the whereabouts of the Jews of Losice, Poland who survived the Holocaust and during the post-war period emigrated to Australia.

I am also taking part in the setting up of the Losice website which deals with Jewish Life in Losice during the First World War, the inter-war years, the period of the Holocaust, and the post-war relocation of the majority of the survivors.

Website :

The translation into English of the Losice Yizkor Book ; memories put to paper, and the commemoration of Polish Jewry in Losice.

The Yizkor Book tells of the emigration of the following Losicher Jews:
- Josef Fridman ( pen name Yosel Bobick ),
- Yeshaihu Fridman,
- Zalman Wrobel, and
- Chana Oxenhorn.

Josef Fridman was a writer par excellence, writing many of the reminiscences in the Losice Yizkor Book.

Your readers assistance in the location of these individuals and/or their families would be very much appreciated.

Viktor Lewin, Canada

Telephone # 1-204-694-3532. email

Seeking family of uncle
I am searching for the family of my uncle, Louis Tyler (Teitlebaum).
Louis was the oldest of eight children and in 1901 was 17 and living in Manchester. He changed his name to Tyler.

He left Manchester, England when a young man, married and had a daughter, Ruth Victorine, who would be about 71 now.

I think her married name was Steigrad and she lived in Melbourne. The family were in contact in the fifties.

Louis was the eldest of eight children and I am the daughter of Bella, his youngest sister. I have two sisters, Vivian and Helen. I live in Prestwich, Manchester.

I would dearly love to meet my Australian relatives. Please reply to

Seeking Myriam Segre
Urgently trying to trace Myriam Segre, who is believed to be living in Sydney.

Myriam lived with her family in Alessandria in Italy.

She was about four or five years of age when, during the Second World War, many Jewish Italians were rounded up across Italy for internment and deportation to German concentration camps.

Myriam's mother handed her young daughter over to her neighbour, Rosetta Ghiggi, through a back door whilst the soldiers were at the front door to arrest them.

The family was deported to the infamous Lager of Auschwitz, where they all perished.

Myriam was placed in an orphanage run by a religious order just outside Alessandria, where she spent the war years.

Soon after the war Myriam was adopted by a family. It is not known if it was an Italian (Jewish) family who then migrated to Australia or if this family was already in Australia.

The contacts which Myriam kept with her neighbour stopped a few years after her arrival in Australia. Mrs Ghiggi believes that Myriam settled in Sydney and has four sons.

Mrs Ghiggi, who is now an old woman, is eager to make contact with Myriam or a relative in order that this only surviving photo of Myriam's mother can be passed on to her family members. She recent found the photograph amongst some belongings.

If you have any information please contact Tony De Bolfo
Seeking great-grandmother
I am looking for descendants of Ruby Greenberg.

She is my Grandfather's mother and she died giving birth to him (He is an only child).

We have no personal information or photos relating to her and he wishes to know more of her before it is too late for him.

Ruby either was born in England and moved out to Australia at a young age, or was born in Australia, where she lived until her death in Sydney.

Ruby's mother's name was Rachel Cohen and her father owned a business in Darlington (However, I am not sure what sort of business).

I am aware that she had five brothers: Les, Phillip, Rupert, Moss and Billy.

I am unaware of their birth dates (I think that Ruby was the youngest child).

She was born around 1902-4 and died in 1926 in her early 20s.

If anyone is related to her in some way (particulary the children of her brothers) or know something of her at all, please contact Amelia Freelander in Sydney, Australia.

Seeking relatives: Szykman family
Searching for Szykman Family

Dear friends!
I'm looking for relatives who survived from the Holocaust.
I'm looking for relatives from the Szykman Family.

The father's name was Elyezer and the mother name was Esther.
They lived before the war in a small village, actually a suburban neighborhood in the name of Plachty, of the small city in the name of Pionki some 25 km from the city of Radom (Radomia).

They had 7 children (approximate age in 1941):
Hayim (19), Moshe (Mosiek) (18), Isaac (14),
Roza-Shoshana (14), David (10), Gitla (8) and Szmul (6).

During the war the family was transferred to labor camp in Pionki.
The 3 elders probably escaped from the camp,
while the others later transferred to Treblinka and were murdered by the Nazis.

Just Roza-Shoshna was survived and she lives today with her family in Israel.
The only sign from the elders is that maybe Hayim came to Israel in 1948 and then immigrated to Australia.

Please friends, help me find any sign from this family.
Any clue will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Ofer Gil

Searching for DMITRY KUPERMAN,
my cousin with whom we've been losing connection for almost 20 years now.

Born in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, USSR,
his parents' names were Senia and Sofa Kuperman (she died in 1982).
After leaving USSR in 1985, he spent few years in the United States
and then, by rumours, settled in Australia.

I'd appreciate very much any help in getting in touch with him.

Contact Alexander Shevsky email

or phone +371 9410711 (Riga, Latvian Republic)

Seeking Aunt
I am anxious to locate my elderly Aunt.

Her name is Golda Gross and she was living in an apartment in Windsor,Victoria, which is a suburb of Melbourne.

Her sister, my Aunt Rose who lives in London England, is concerned about her well being, as she no longer lives at the address she had,and we haven't a clue where to look.

All contact from her ceased a few years ago.

She has two daughters, my cousins Helen and Lorraine,
I used to have Helen's telephone number and email address,
but all contact to her has disappeared.

My Aunt may be in a nursing home somewhere in Melbourne.

I would be most grateful if you could help me find her.
I live in Michigan in the USA

If you have any information please contact Naomi Susan Solomons

I am trying to find/trace following persons:

born 11/09/1934 in Amsterdam - Holland
(Daughter of Levie Godschalk, born 28/05/19000 in Amsterdam
and deceased on 21/05/1943 in Sobibor, Poland,
and Eva Godschalk-ELSAS, born 23/05/1901 in Amsterdam
and deceased also on 21/05/1943 in Sobibor)


Roosje ELSAS
born on 11/04/1905 in Amsterdam
Aunt of Marianne Godschalk
struck from the Amsterdam register on 24/04/1968
bound for Melbourne

Marianne was struck from the Amsterdam Register
on 23/02/1952 bound for Sydney (Australia)

My father, Isaac Elsas, born 01/04/1909 in Amsterdam
and deceased on 03/04/1943 in Auschwitz/Birkenau/Janina
and Marianne's father were cousins.

My name is Nathan ELSAS,
born 01/05/1937 in Antwerp Belgium.

I assume that Marianne married in Australia
and is not listed under her maiden name,
or does not lIve in Sydney anymore or is deceased.

I hope that via Jewish Australia I shall be able to obtain information about both persons.

I can be reached at

Nathan Elsas
Galgenweellaan 47 (B5)
B- 2050 Antwerp
Tel ++32 3 2191913
Fax ++32 3 2191913
email (of my son Mike Elsas)

I am looking for descendents of Samuel Jakubowicz (Jacobs).

Moses Jacobs came to Melbourne in about 1855 from Piotrkov, Poland.
Samuel married Flora Israelowitz and Joseph married Leah Marks.

Thank you for your help.
Erwin M. Jacobs, MD
or write to EMJacobs,
3212 Wood Dale RD, Chester,
VA USA 23831-2047

I am trying to help a friend in Israel, Chaya Mazitner,
to search for details of her long long lost father in Australia.

She is in her 80th year
having gone through the holocaust and was imprisoned in Siberia.

In 1929/30 her father - named Hirshel Kuricky (Kuritsky) -
left their home in Lithuania to seek a better life for them
but was never heard or seen again.

He was born in Lithuania in 1896 and arrived to Australia via South Africa.
All she knows is that he travelled to Melbourne,
where he had an aunt named Portnoi.

Please reply to:
Dalia Ayalon Sinclair


Request from a reader in Israel:

Can anyone help find details about my parents?

My parents lived in Australia for about 10-15 years from 1925 until 1940.
They were married in 1936 (I have the original wedding papers)

Sadly they are not with us anymore, but I really want to find out details about their life in Australia.

They lived worked and played in Yiddish theatre in Melbourne

I have posters of the theatre group from that time, and have reviews from newspapers from those years.

My father's name was Ze'ev Velvale Cypre or Cyprus
My mother was Shoshana Henia Segal
I think we have many relatives in Australia but I do not know where to start.

Any information would be most appreciated.
Email Doron Zafrir


Message from Jerusalem
"Hello and thanks,
I found the address of my friend via your notice board and have made contact,
keep up the good work."

Shalom Rose Elkana Jerusalem

Beryl Dahan nee Strachan,

I have been looking for an old friend who lives in Australia, where I'm not sure!!!!

Beryl was born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1942,
and immigrated to Australia from Israel about 28 years ago.

Her husband's name is Jacky and they have two children -
a girl and boy, who must be over 30 by now.

Can you help me find a way of finding her please.
My name is Rose Elkana nee Gordon, also from Edinburgh
now living in Israel since 1964.

If you know of Beryl, please contact Rose on


Message from Tucson Arizona USA:
"I did find my Melbourne Greenberg family, and it was because one of their friends saw my note on your site. Wonderful!"

Descendants of

This couple immigrated to Palestine around 1900, were married there,
then immigrated to Melbourne.

Their seven children, with birth years, were:
Fred, 1901; Rae, 1902; Dora, 1903; Ruby,1904;
Issy, 1910; Alec, 1912; & Arnne, 1916.

Ettie was my great-aunt, sister to my grandmother,

Steve Orlen


Seeking relative

Dr. Moshe Zion Cohen

Your nephew Adi Cohen from Tel Aviv University is seeking you urgently
with some family news.
Please email Adi directly at


Request from New Zealand

Samual Caliph died in April 1984.
He was active in the Chevra Kadisha and a community group in Brisbane.
I would like to find anyone who may remember him?

I am his niece Karen from New Zealand.


A readers seeking a gravesite had a response from the Chevra Kadisha in Melbourne

My late grandfather Maurice Voronoff was buried in Melbourne over twenty years ago.

I am trying to find where he and my late grandmother ( Florence May Voronoff nee Porter) are buried. Date of death May 5th,1980 notified by Montefiore Homes for the Aged.

Deborah Voronoff, Montreal, Canada.


Seeking survivors

The Dutch-Jewish organization Maror seeks survivors

For any further queries, replies or comments,
please email Aura Levin Lipski Publisher,
Jewish Australia Online Network
We will pass on all messages.

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