Welcome to a unique storehouse of information about Australia's Jewish writers.
Our aim is to support and promote Australian Jewish writers, including fiction and non-fiction writers, poets, storytellers, editors, podcast hosts, publishers, and others.
Please note this database is COPYRIGHT TO THIS WEBSITE © Jewish Australia.com © 2025
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to reproduce it in any form.
We are constantly updating and adding to the database, and we thank all authors, publishers, and readers for their help.
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Please send us an email
ABRAMI, Janka |
1921-1993 Melbourne writer, Holocaust survivor Photo |
I'd Rather be Laughing (1996) Moments (1989) Zat Izz Apples, Sir (1986) The Two of You |
1971- Melbourne academic + writer |
A Touch of Genius: Portraits and Literary Masterpieces Flashpoints: Israel, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust |
ADES, David |
1956- Sydney-based poet |
Afloat in Light (2017) Only the Questions Are Eternal (2015) |
ADLER, Jacques |
1927- |
The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution (1987) |
ADLER, Louise |
1954- |
The Politics Of Linking Schools And Social Service (1994) |
1941-1992 American-born poet + legal academic. Lived in Australia 1967-1981 |
Kabbalah and Consciousness and the Poetry of Allen Afterman (2005) The maze rose: Poems 1970-73 (1974) (The Sun Poetry series) |
1920-2020 |
Pnina (2006) Wanderers and Dreamers (1998) The Commissar Took Care (1986) Aside from several books published in Yiddish and in English translation, Ajzenbud was an active member of the Yiddish speaking community: President and Honorary Secretary of the Kadimah; first Hon Sec of the Jewish Holocaust Centre. He edited the Kadimah’s Melburner Bletter Yiddish journal, presented a long running Yiddish program on Radio 3ZZZ, + was an active, leading member of the Bund and a Yiddish teacher at the Sholem Aleichem Sunday School. Thanks to Kadimah for this summary Aleyn in Gezeml (1970) Gelebt Hinter Kratn (1956) |
1936- Melbourne author |
Unjust Desserts
(2003) An adult murder/mystery Books for adults Books for middle grade readers Books for young adults Books for younger readers See full bibliography + awards |
Ali BERG |
Melbourne Co-authour with Michelle Kalus |
Fancy Meeting You Here (2022) While You Were Reading (2019) The Book Ninja (2018) |
1966- |
The Easy Way Out (2016) What the Family needed (2013) Things We Didn't See Coming (2010) |
APPLE, Rabbi Raymond |
1935- |
Companion to the Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Education By Degrees: Masonic Notes Eighty Days and Eighty Nights Lets Ask the Rabbi Sabbath in the Home: Songs and Prayers The Hampstead Synagogue 1892-1967 The Jewish Way: Jews and Judaism in Australia The Jews: |
1929- Perth author |
Beyond Survival (2018) |
1939- |
The Collaborator (2019) Winter Journey (2017) Empire Day (2015) The Voyage of their Life (2015) Nocturne (2008) Mosaic: A Chronicle of Five Generations (2001) |
Sydney writer Read more |
ATLAS, Zygfryd |
1920- |
Just One Life (1999) |
BAKER, Mark Raphael |
1959-2023 |
Thirty Days: A Journey to the End of Love (2017) History on the Edge (Ed) (1997) |
BAVATI, Robyn |
Melbourne writer |
Within These Walls (2017) Pirouette (2013) Dancing in the Dark (2011) |
BEARMAN, Margaret |
1966- Melbourne writer |
Above the Water (2002) |
Writer, editor and researcher |
Sydney author |
My Mother's Spice Cupboard: A Journey from Baghdad to Bombay to Bondi (2012) |
BEN-MOSHE, Danny |
Melbourne academic, writer + filmmaker |
Full list of Danny Ben Moshe publications Israel, the Diaspora and Jewish Identity (Ed) (2007) |
Melbourne lecturer + writer |
The Laughter Effect: How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life (2023) Laughing at Cancer (2017) |
BENNETT, Samuel (Shmuel |
1919- Melbourne Yiddish writer + columnist |
Chronicles of a life (1999) |
BENTEL, Erica |
Perth writer |
Can You Crack Them? (2012) Word Games |
1907-1970 |
Light and Shadow (1963) |
BESSER, Nathan |
1981- Sydney writer |
Man in the Corner (2017) |
BIDERMAN, Abraham |
1924- Melbourne writer |
The World of My Past (1997) |
BIRMAN, Lisa |
Melbourne poet + novelist, lives in Colorado + Australia |
How to Walk Away
(2015) For That Return Passage – a Valentine for the United States of America (2008) |
BLACK, Ben |
Pseudonym |
Breaking Ranks – Turbulent Travels in the Promised Land
(2001) |
BLAY, Anna Rosner |
1947- Melbourne writer |
Not Paradise (2004) Sister Sister (1998 + 2012) Leo Rosner: A man of note |
BLAY, Danny Rosner |
1968- Melbourne author |
Drive Around the World : One Family, One Car, One Year, One Planet (2013) |
BLINT, Woolf |
1914- |
By Jeep to Freedom
(1994) |
BLOCH, Felicity |
Melbourne writer |
BLOOM, Norma |
1924- Born in Melbourne, since 1960 in Hobart. |
The Larger View (1972) + When I See You (1978) Widely represented in NZ and Australian literary journals and poetry anthologies. Her play, 'Ruby', was performed in several Victorian country towns in 1973. |
BOAS, Bernard |
1911-2011 Melbourne writer + critic |
The Five Books of Boas
(2002) It's Time to Rewrite the Bible (1994) |
BRASCH, Rabbi Dr R |
1912-2004 |
Star of David
(1956) Rabbi Brasch's published books: Reminiscences of a Roving Rabbi The Star of David The Eternal Flame How did it Begin? Mexico - a country of contrasts The Judaic Heritage The Unknown Sanctuary How did Sports Begin? How did Sex Begin? - the sense and nonsense of the customs and traditions that have separated men and women since Adam and Eve The Supernatural and You! Strange Customs Australian Jews of Today There's a Reason for Everything! That Takes the Cake Mistakes, Misnomers,and Misconceptions |
BRETT, Doris |
1950- Melbourne writer + poet |
The Twelfth Raven: A Memoir of Stroke, Love and Recovery (2014) In the Constellation of the Crab (1998) Looking for Unicorns (1992) More Annie Stories: Therapeutic Storytelling Techniques (1992) All Doris Brett books |
BRETT, Lily |
1946- New York-based writer + poet (Melbourne originally) |
Things Could Be Worse (2016) Lola Bensky (2013) Uncomfortably Close (2007) You Gotta Have Balls (2006) The Auschwitz Poems (2004) Between Mexico and Poland (2002) Too Many Men (2002) In Her Strapless Dresses (2001) New York (2001) What God Wants (2000) In Full View (1997) Mud in My Tears (1997) Just Like That (1994) Unintended Consequences (1992) After the War: Poems (1990) Poland and Other Poems (1987) |
BROOK, Steve |
1934-2014 |
Smash the White Eagle! (2013) Novel For Sam (2009) Strawberries with Everything (2005) Memoir Bali Sugar (2004) McQuail (2003) |
BROUS, Raphael |
1982- |
I am Max Lamm
(2013) |
BROWNE, Ashley |
1965- Melbourne writer + editor |
People of the Boot - the Triumphs and Tragedies of Australian Jews in Sport (2018) Blue heaven : a celebration of Carlton (Ed) (2011) Flying High : The Story of Essendon's 16 Premierships (2011) Grand Finals Volume I : 1897-1938 (2011) THE GOLDEN YEARS : Stories from Hawthorn's Greates (2011) |
BUCKRICH, Judith Raphael |
1950- Melbourne writer + journalist |
Collins: The Story of Australia's Premier Street (2005) George Turner: A Life (1999) The Montefiore Homes: 150 Years of Care (1998) |
BURSTIN, Hinde Ena |
Melbourne academic + writer |
CASTAN, Melissa |
Melbourne academic + writer |
Federal Constitutional Law: A Contemporary View (2006) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Cases, Commentary and Materials (2004) |
CELERMAJER, Danielle | Summertime: Reflections on a vanishing future (2021) |
CIDDOR, Anna |
1957- Melbourne children's author |
The Family with Two Front Doors (2016) Night of the Fifth Moon (2007) Stormriders (2004) Wolfspell (2003) Runestone (2002) |
COHEN, Anna |
Sydney author, psychologist |
Taming Teens (2019) |
COHEN, Bernard |
1963- Sydney writer |
The Antibiography of Robert F. Menzies (2013) Hardly Beach Weather (2002) Snowdome (1998) The Blindman's Hat (1997) Paul Needs Specs (1993) Tourism (1992) |
COHEN, David Phillip |
1967- Brisbane author |
The Hunter and other stories of men (2018) The Hunter won the 2019 Russell Prize and was shortlisted for the 2015 Dorothy Hewett Award. Disappearing off the Face of the Earth (2017) Fear of Tennis (2007) |
COHEN, Trevor |
1938- Melbourne author Mary MacKillop’s Jewish connection |
The Greatest Gift – A 200 year Chronicle of My Australian Jewish Family (2022) |
1928-2008 Melbourne writer |
Joshua (1995) Going Home (1993) The Boys from Bondi (1987) Buy Alan Collins books from Hybrid Publishers |
1930- Melbourne writer |
Rosa - Memories with Licence (2019) Solly's Girl (2015) Buy Ros Collins books from Hybrid Publishers |
CONWAY, Deborah |
1959- Singer, songwriter, author |
Book of Life (2023) |
COOKE, Steven |
Melbourne author |
The Interior of Our Memories (2015) |
1922- Melbourne writer |
In the shadow of the crescent : the Arabs, the Holocaust and beyond (2010) The Long Road to the Lucky Country (2005) In the Shadow of the Polish Eagle: The Poles, the Holocaust and beyond (2000) Stakhanovites - and others : the story of a worker in the Soviet Union, 1939-1946 (1994) |
COWEN, Shimon David |
1951 Melbourne author |
Aesthetics and the Divine (2017) Engaging artists, fostering religious art |
CURZON, David |
1941- New-York based poet + editor |
View From Jacobs Ladder: One Hundred Midrashim (1996) Modern poems on the Bible: An anthology (1994) |
CYKIERT, Avraham |
1926-2009 Melbourne writer + Yiddish broadcaster |
The Emperor of the Ghetto is a one-man play which deals with Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, the Jewish Leader of the Ghetto of Lodz and his dilemmas in dealing with the Nazis.
It was first performed at the Caulfield Arts Centre in 1993, followed by seasons at the George Fairfax Studio (Victorian Arts Centre), St Martin's, the Adelaide Fringe and Tasmania as well as performances in over seventy schools in Victoria and South Australia. |
DANNON, Joanne |
Melbourne writer |
See the full list of books on her website |
DAPIN, Mark |
1963- Sydney author |
From the Trenches: the best ANZAC Writing of World War One (2015) R&R (2015) Spirit House (2014) The Penguin Book of Australian War Writing (2011) King of the Cross (2009) Fridge Magnets are Bastards (2008) Strange Country: Travels in a Very Different Australia (2008) The Nashos War: Australian National Servicemen in Vietnam |
DAVIS, Peter |
1954-2008 Melbourne writer |
Abraham's Pictures |
DOWSE, Sara |
1938- Canberra writer |
Silver City (1985) West Block : The Hidden World of Canberra`s Mandarins (1983) |
1942- Melbourne writer + musicologist |
Silences and Secrets: The Australian Experience of the Weintraubs Syncopators (2013) Sweethearts of Rhythm: The Story of Australia's All-girl Bands and Orchestras to the End of the Second World War ( 1999) |
DUBAND, Julian |
1963- Melbourne musician, composer, teacher + writer |
My Incredible Creation – An IVF Journey 2018 (Illustrated by Jennifer Duband) |
1951- Melbourne Playwright |
Esterhaz ( 1990) In Duty Bound ( 1989) Safe House ( 1989) The Levine Comedy ( 1987) Two ( 1987) Einstein ( 1986) |
1937-2019 Melbourne poet |
Heirloom: Second anthology of the Melbourne Child Survivors of the Holocaust (2006) Island of Wakefulness (2006) A Perfect Distortion |
Sydney writer |
The Covered Wife (2021) |
ENCEL, Diana |
1928-2013 Sydney author |
Peach Stones and other secrets Jewish country girls: a collection of memories (2005) |
ENCEL, Sol |
1925- 2010 Sydney Sociologist + writer |
Continuity, Commitment, and Survival: Jewish Communities in the Diaspora (2003) Out of the Doll’s House: Women in the Public Sphere (1991) (with Dorothy Campbell) A Changing Australia (1971) |
ENGELMAN, Matylda |
1914- Melbourne writer |
The End of the Journey: concluding Journey without end, an autobiography ( 1978) Journey Without End: an autobiography ( 1977) |
1947 |
Melekh Ravitsh: The Eccentric Outback Quest of an Urbane Yiddish Poet from Poland (2019) Jewish Museum of Australia (2007 Editor/Coordinator) From Where We Have Come Portraits of the Australian Jewish Family (2001 Editor) The Australian Family Images and Essays (1998 Editor) Jewish Museum of Australia Journal (1993-2012 Quarterly, Editor) |
Melbourne film writer + critic |
Jews and Films in Australia (1997) Film writer, reviewer: "Cinema Papers", "Australian Jewish News", ABC ("filmic representation of history" forum) Articles 1992. 'Australian Films at Cannes'. Cinema Papers. n. 89 (August). |
EPSTEIN, Raphael |
Melbourne journalist, broadcaster + writer |
Prisoner X
(2014) |
ERLICH, Rita |
1947- Melbourne journalist + food writer |
Melbourne By Menu (2012) Colour me Healthy (2001) 50 Fabulous Chocolate Cakes (1995) |
FACTOR, June |
1936- Melbourne writer |
Lols: Best Jokes for Kids (2012) Juicy Jumping Joke Book (2000) Kidspeak: A Dictionary of Australian Children's Words, Expressions and Games (2000) Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be? (1992) Roll Over Pavlova (1992) Australian Childhood: An Anthology ( (1991) Ladles and Jellyspoons (1989) Real Keen, Baked Bean! (1989) Summer (1988) Micky the Mighty Magpie (1986) Unreal Banana Peel (1986) All Right Vegemite! (1985) A First Australian Poetry Book (1983) Far Out Brussel Sprout (1983) Big Dipper (1980-1982) Cinderella Dressed in Yella |
FAGENBLAT, Michael |
Melbourne academic now based in Israel |
A Covenant of Creatures: Levinas's Philosophy of Judaism (2010) (Cultural Memory in the Present) New Under the Sun : Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics and Culture (2008) Co-authors Fagenblat, Michael; Landau, Melanie and Wolski, Nathan |
FALK, Barbara |
1910-2008 Melbourne academic & writer |
Caught in a Snare: Hitler's Refugee Academics 1933-1949 (1998) No Other Home: An Anglo-Jewish Story 1833-1987 (1988) |
FEIN, Yvonne |
1953- Melbourne writer |
Choose Somebody Else (2018) The Torn Messiah (2008) On Edge (1992) Rachel Racing Time (2014) |
Scriptwriter originally Adelaide currently New York |
See work + filmography |
1924-2017 Melbourne writer |
Short Stories, Long Memories (1999) The Human Element Project |
1956- English-born Sydney writer |
Joseph (2003) Horrendo's Curse (2002) Borrowed Light (1999) Tashi (1995) Tashi series: Tashi, Tashi & the Ghosts, Tashi & the Genie, Tashi & the Giant, Tashi & the Phoenix and more |
FIENBERG, Barbara | View bibliography |
1946 |
Doppelganger (2017) |
FINKEL, Alan |
1953- Australia's Chief Scientist |
FINKEL, Elizabeth |
1957- |
The Best Australian Science Writing
(2012) The Genome Generation (2012) Stem Cells: Controversy at the Frontiers of Science (2005) |
FREADMAN, Richard |
1951- Melbourne academic + writer |
This Crazy Thing A Life: Australian Jewish Autobiography (2007) Shadow of Doubt: My Father and Myself (2003) Threads of Life: Autobiography and the Will (2001) Stepladder to Hindsight |
FREEMAN, Howard (ed) |
Melbourne president, Australian Jewish Historical Society |
AJHS Journal (ed) (2018) AJHS Journal (ed) (2017) |
Independent film scholar |
'Lost in Oz? Jews in the Australian Cinema' |
FREIMAN, Marcelle |
1951- Sydney writer |
White Lines (Vertical) (2012) Monkey’s Wedding (1995) |
FRIEZE, Donna-Lee |
Melbourne author |
The Interior of Our Memories (2015) A History of Melbourne’s Jewish Holocaust Centre |
FRYBORT, Evelyn |
1947- Sydney - Editor |
Memories of Kings Cross – The Jewish Migrant Experience – 1930s – 1960s (2023) |
FRYDENBERG, Erica | ||
FRYDMAN, Gloria |
1943- |
What a Life: A Biography of Paul Morawetz (1995) |
GARDNER, Helen |
1939- Melbourne writer |
My Mother's Child |
GARDNER, Paul | The Unsung Family Hero (2020) The death and life of an anti-Nazi resistance fighter |
GAUDRON, Alfred W. |
1947- Sydney poet |
Israel and Egypt; A Poet's Journey (1995) View bibliography |
GAWENDA, Michael |
Melbourne Journalist + author |
The Powerbroker: Mark Leibler, an Australian Jewish Life (2020) Rocky & Gawenda: The Story of a Man & His Mutt (2010) American Notebook (2007) |
1943- Melbourne writer |
Tsaplin's Testimony (2013) Notes from the Esplanade (2003) Translated from the Russian by Rae Mathew Confessions of a Clay Man (2001) |
Melbourne based children’s author |
So She Did (2019) |
1958- Melbourne journalist & writer |
Organisations Behaving Badly: A Greek Tragedy of Corporate Pathology (2005) An Unpromised Land (1993) |
GINGOLD, Robert |
1949- |
Successful Ageing
(1993) |
Melbourne writer |
The Boy's Own Manual to Being a Proper Jew |
1916- |
Children of the Ghetto (1983) |
GOLD, Alan |
1945- Sydney author |
The Pirate Queen: The Story of Grace O'Malley, Irish Pirate (2006) Jezebel (2001) Berlin Song (1999) Minyan (1999) The Gift of Evil (1998) The Final Candidate (1995) The Lost Testament (1994) The Jericho Files (1993) |
GOLDBERG, Ashley |
Melbourne based fiction writer Read more |
Abomination (2022) Chicken shit (Short story) |
1964- Writer, editor, teacher Born in Perth |
(2017) The Paperbark Shoe (2011) You Lose These and other stories (2011) |
1943- |
The Book of Rachel (1998) |
1946- Melbourne writer |
Carrots and Jaffas (2014) Raft (2009) My Father's Compass (2007) A Threefold Cord |
GOLDHAR, Pinchas |
1901-1947 Melbourne Yiddish writer |
The Collected Stories of Pinchas Goldhar = DERZEILUNGEN FUN AUSTRALIE (1939 - reprinted 2016) |
Melbourne author |
The Mystery of You |
1950- Melbourne author |
The Memory Trap (2017) The Prosperous Thief (2004) Under the Knife (1998) Facing the Music (1994) Modern Interiors (1991) Gracious Living (1990) Invented Lives (2019) Reunion (2009) |
GOLVAN, Colin |
1955- Melbourne writer |
Copyright Law and Practice (2008) An Introduction to Intellectual Property Law (1992) The Distant Exodus: Australian Jews recall their immigration experiences (1990) Theatre Daze (1990) Words and Law (1989) Writers and the Law (1986) with Michael McDonald, Alan Kirsner and David Williamson. |
GONSKI, David |
1953- Sydney business leader + writer |
I Gave a Gonski: Selected Speeches (2015) |
GOUCH, Gabrielle |
Sydney writer |
Once, Only the Swallows Were Free (2013) |
GOULD, Dita | I Was a Good Girl (2000) |
GOULD, Lucy |
1940- |
Empty Corners (2000) |
GRAY, Gary |
1926- Melbourne short-story writer |
A Spoonful of Soup and Other Stories |
GREEN, John M |
1953 - |
The Tao Deception (2017) The Trusted (2013) Born to Run (2011) Nowhere Man (2010) |
1974- Melbourne comic artist + Illustrator |
The Cursed First Term of Zelda Stitch. Bad Teacher. Worse Witch
(2018) The Naughtiest Reindeer (2014) Hamlet (2010) Operation Weasel Ball (2007) The Great Gatsby (2007) It's True! Squids Suck (2006) The Digits (1990) The Digits series |
GREY-SMITH, Naama (Amram) |
Perth writer |
Sunscreen and Lipstick
(2012) |
1948- Melbourne writer born in Paris |
Children of the Shadows: Voices of the Second Generation (2002) |
GROSS, Dick |
1954- Melbourne writer |
The Third Space (2014) Godless gospel, a modern guide to meaning and morality (1999) Money For Jam: How To Spread It And Not make A Mess (1990) |
HALASZ, George |
1949- Melbourne writer + psychiatrist |
Cries Unheard: A New Look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2002) |
HARARI, Fiona |
Sydney journalist & writer (originally Melbourne) |
We Are Here: Talking with Australia’s Oldest Holocaust Survivors (2018) A Tragedy in Two Acts: Marcus Einfeld & Teresa Brennan (2011) Elders (Ed.) (2010) |
HELFGOTT, Louise |
1959- Mandurah, Western Australian writer, playwright and poet |
Thistledown Seed (Memoir) (2022) Frames (Play) (2013) The Bridge (Musical) (2010) A Closer Sky (Play) (2008) Estuary Dream (Play) (2008) Can You Hold the Sun? (Poetry anthology) (2004) |
HOFFMANN, Catherine |
1948- |
Crystal (1987) Forms of Bliss (1988) |
1926-2004 |
View publications |
HUPPERT, Michele |
1939 Melbourne Writer |
Malou: French Resistance Fighter (2021) |
INDYK, Ivor |
1949- Sydney literary academic, editor + publisher |
Founder of Giramondo Publishing (1995) |
JACOB, Angelica |
1958- Sydney writer |
Finding Home: Memoir of a Jewish Girl: Bombay to Sydney (2019) |
1987- Brisbane artist & poet |
View books |
JAFFE, Meredith | View books |
JAWARY, Nita |
Melbourne artist + author |
The Perpetual Table |
JOEL, Alexandra |
1953- Sydney writer |
The Paris Model (2020) Rosetta : A Scandalous True Story (2016) Parade: The story of Fashion in Australia (1984 / 1998) Best dressed : 200 years of fashion in Australia (1984) |
JUBAL, Benjamin Newman |
1902-1961 |
The smile of Herschale Handle (1947) |
JUCHAU, Mireille |
1969- Sydney writer |
Burning In (2007) Machines for Feeling (2001) Selected Writings The World Without Us (2015) |
1959- Melbourne doctor + writer |
View all publications |
KAMLER, Barbara |
Melbourne-based poet + academic |
Academic publications Leaving New Jersey (2016) Love, Regardless (2022) Surviving, a poetic memoir (2004) Two Tales of Long Love (2019) |
KAPLAN, Dalit |
Melbourne-based writer + storyteller Read more |
Broken Eggs - A Novel Online essays |
Karen Kirsten |
US based Australian writer (Melbourne) Read more |
KARIMI, Kooshyar |
1968- Melbourne doctor + writer |
I Confess: Revelations in Exile (2012) |
KARPIN, Matthew |
1959- |
In Our Own Day (1995) The Crisis: How Autism Nearly Destroyed My Family and What We Did The Right (2009) The Thesis (2004) |
KATZ, Danny |
Melbourne writer + columnist |
View books |
KATZ, Lally |
1978- Melbourne playright |
Plays, screenplays + TV scripts |
KEESING, Nancy |
1923-1993 Sydney author |
Shalom: The Acclaimed Collection of Australian Jewish Stories (1988) |
KHAZAM, Sandra |
1968- Melbourne author |
Drive around the World by Danny Blay, Maddy Raffy Blay, Sandra Khazam See other publications |
KIPPEN, Chilli | The Captain Loves Caviar The Chef who made Onions Cry |
1973- Melbourne author |
View Lee Kofman books |
KOHN, Peter |
1955- Melbourne writer |
Rachel's Chance (1987) View from a Sandcastle (1998) |
KOHN, Rachael |
1953- Sydney writer & broadcaster |
View publications |
1945 Melbourne author |
Reds Under the Bed (2018) ASIO and an unusual bunch of suspects |
KOVAL, Ramona |
1954- |
View Ramona Koval books |
KRAMER, Tom | Contributor "Children of the Shadows" From Emancipation to Catastrophe: The Rise and Holocaust of Hungarian Jewry (2000) |
KRANZ, Jaye |
Melbourne based short story + non-fiction writer |
Short story + non-fiction collections |
Non-fiction writer Read more Read more |
The Believer (2021) The Trauma Cleaner (2017) |
KRAUS, Paul |
1944 Sydney poet |
Poetic Medicine (2017) Touching our innermost being |
KROUK, Nora |
1920- Sydney poet |
I am writing in English about Russian China: Poems and memoirs (2013) Skin for Comfort Warming the Core of Things |
KUNA, Miriam |
Died 2017 Melbourne author |
Medusa Wins North Carlton, my nation state. Reminiscences of Jewish life in North Carlton before 1939 Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society |
Sydney writer Listen |
LAVI, Tali |
Melbourne based writer, critic + interviewer |
Articles by Tali Lavi |
LAZAR, Joel | The New Australian Haggadah (Editor) (2015) |
LAZAR, John |
1801-1879 Sydney + Adelaide |
Theatrical writer (Pantomimes) |
LEIGHTON, Harry | ||
LESER, David |
1956- Byron Bay journalist + author |
David Leser books |
LEVI, Dr. John |
1934- |
View Dr John Levi's books |
LEVY, Barry |
Brisbane author (originally Johannesburg) |
As If! (2008) Burning Bright (2004) Sawdust (co-author) (2013) Shades of Exodus (2011) The Terrorist (2012) |
LEW, Dr Henry (Harry) R. |
1948- Melbourne author |
Patterson of Israel (2020) Coming 2020 Horace Brodzky (1987) Imaging the World In Search of Derwent Lees (1996) Lion Hearts Smitten by Catherine The Five Walking Sticks (2000) |
LEWIN, Zwi |
Melbourne author |
Melbourne author (2019) As told to Joe Reich |
LEWITT, Maria |
1924-2020 |
Grandmother's Yarn (for children) (1985) No Snow in December: An Autobiographical Novel (1985) Come Spring (1980) Just Call Me Bob (1976) About Maria Lewitt Obituary - Sydney Morning Herald |
LIBERMAN, Cassie | Le Lourve The Women Behind the Icon |
LIBERMAN, Karen | ||
1942-2017 Melbourne doctor & author |
All Serge Liberman's writings Bibliography of Australasian Judaica 1788–2008, The The Storyteller: Selected Stories Where I Stand – Serge Liberman |
1947- Alt. name Sarah Ebenor |
Bronwen Lichtenstein publications The Mazel Tov |
1947- |
Ida Lichter articles in The Spectator Magazine, Australia Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression (2009) |
Melbourne based Journalist + Editor Speaker profile |
Let My People Go (2015) Co-author with Suzanne Rutland Selected articles in The Australian Jewish News Sydney Institute speeches |
LURIE, Morris |
1938- 2014 Melbourne writer |
Cleaning the Stables (2015) Hergesheimer in the Present Tense (2014) To Light Attained (2008) |
MANE, Gilbert |
Sydney writer |
Gilbert Mane books |
MANN, Leon |
1937- Melbourne academic & author |
Jews of the Outback (co-authour) (2010) Decision making: A psychological analysis of conflict, choice and commitment. Co-authored with Irving Janis. |
MARCUSON, Steven |
1959- Perth author |
The Bunting Quest (2016) |
MARGO, Jill |
1954- |
Articles in The Financial Review Jill Margo publications |
1962- Sydney author, historical Fiction |
The Star on the Grave (2024) |
MARIN, Bernard |
1950- Melbourne writer Click here to buy Bernard Marin books |
Letter to my Father (2020) Good As Gold (2019) Stories of Profit and Loss (2019) Stories of Remembering and Forgetting (2019) My father my father (2002) |
MARKS, Harry |
1923-1977 |
The Heart Is Where the Hurt Is (1966) Unicorn among the Wattles (1979) |
MARKS, Stan |
1929- Melbourne writer |
God Gave You One Face (1964) The Holocaust and 21st Century |
MARKUS, Andrew |
Melbourne academic + writer |
A Second Chance: the Making of Yiddish Melbourne Australia's Immigration Revolution Immigration and Nation Building: Australia and Israel Compared John Howard Surrender Australia: View further Andrew Markus publications |
MARTIN, David |
1915-1997 |
View list of David Martin publications |
MAX, Helen |
Melbourne writer |
Searching For Yesterday |
MEHLMAN, Chaim |
Melbourne Writer + Video Producer |
Larger Than Life: The Story of Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner OBM (2022) |
MELTZER, Gloria |
Nimbin, NSW writer |
Only in Sri Lanka (2015) |
Michelle KALUS |
Melbourne Co-authour with Ali Berg |
Fancy Meeting You Here (2022) While You Were Reading (2019) The Book Ninja (2018) |
MILLER, Deborah Masel |
1957-2011 |
In the Cleft of the Rock: Writings on the Five Books of Moses (2009) Soul to Soul: Writings from Dark Places (2011) The Maisonettes (2004) |
1922-2014 Melbourne author (d) |
The Changing Form of Clouds (2011) A memoir of life, love and longing |
1970- Melbourne-based writer, editor + publisher. Co-founder of Real Publishing. |
1934- Melbourne writer |
Hello, Australia (2023) Goodbye Shanghai (2016) |
1952- Sydney writer |
Secrets and Spies (2002) |
MYER, Rod |
1955- Melbourne writer |
The Story of Victor Smorgon: Living the Dream (2000) In Full Stride: The Life and Times of Baillieu (Bails) Myer |
NASEBY, Eileen |
1943- |
Ursula: A Voyage of Love and Drama (2006) |
NAYMAN, Michele | Michele Nayman books |
OLIVER, Isabel Esther |
1965 - Works in remote Aboriginal Lands Schools in NT + WA |
PALTI, Uri |
1939- Melbourne author |
Does Life Have Fiction Moments? (2014) Changing Faces Changing Paces (2014) Mikhtavim be-kivun ekhad: mikhtavim she-nikhtevu mi-tahat ha-shamayim va-asher nishlehu me'al le-'ananim (1997) Dream is another word for Hope (2013) The Lady from Mt. Tamborine (2013) Where the Cranes Fly (2008) |
PEARLMAN, Jonathan |
Sydney based writer + editor |
Australian Foreign Affairs (Editor) Jewish Quarterly (Editor) The Saturday Paper (World Editor) |
PERLMAN, Elliot |
1964- Melbourne author |
Three Dollars (1998) The Reasons I Won't Be Coming (1999) Seven Types of Ambiguity (2005) The Street Sweeper (2012) Good Morning, Again |
PERLSTONE, Phyllis | You Chase After Your Likeness (2002) The Edge of Everything (2007) |
PILA, Ron |
1965 Melbourne writer |
Under a Lucky Star (2020) |
PIZER, Marjorie |
1920-2016 Sydney poet |
A Poet’s Life (1963-2005) Seasons of Love (1975) Selected Poems 1963-1983 (1984) Equinox (1987) Journeys (1992) To You the Living, Poems for Comfort and Healing (1992) Below the Surface; Reflections on Life and Living with Anne Spencer Parry (1994) Await the Spring (1998) A Fortunate Star (2001) |
POLACK, Gillian |
1961- Canberra academic & writer |
See all publications |
POLLAK, Cynthia | After the death of your child: A Jewish mother’s Perspective (2018) Jewish Bereaved Parents Inc. |
1976- Melbourne author |
Range of published works The Book of Dirt |
PRICE, Margaret |
Broken Hill author |
Jews of the Outback (co-author) (2010) |
PRINCE, Frances |
1958- Writer - Melbourne + Jerusalem |
GIFT OF TIME. Discoveries from the Daily Ritual of Reading with my Father. (2021) |
RAFAEL, Rivqa |
Sydney Editor & Writer |
Rivqa Rafael publications |
RAVER, Miki |
1945- |
Listen to Her Voice She Is Wisdom: A Celebration Of The Feminine Divine (2004) |
REICH, Joe |
1940- |
Ein Stein: A novel (2021) My Sack Full of Memories (2019) Building Bridges (2016) Book of the Weak (2013) I Know Precious Little (2011) |
REITER, David |
1947- Brisbane award-winning writer + publisher |
David Reiter publications |
Asian arts expert |
Arts & Crafts of Indonesia (1994) |
RIEMER, Andrew |
1936- |
The Habsburg Cafe (1993) Inside Outside: Life Between Two Worlds (1995) Between the Fish and the Mudcake (1999) A Family History of Smoking |
1922-2008 Melbourne author |
Lives and Embers East Of Time |
ROSENTHAL, Lesley Sharon |
1953- Melbourne writer, originally from England |
Milkshakes, Men and Melodies: an American affair (1994) Schmattes : Stories of Fabulous Frocks, Funky Fashion and Flinders Lane Misadventures of Esmeralda Bloom Lesley Sharon RosenthalPublications (1991) Netting Your Guy Lesley Sharon Rosenthal (1997) short story |
ROSS, Dina |
Melbourne playwright |
Chrysalis (2008) |
1965- Academic + writer |
List of publications |
RUBIN, Halina |
1939- Melbourne author |
Journeys with my Mother (2015) |
RUBINSTEIN, Dr Hilary L. |
1946- Historian, author + editor |
Catastrophe at Spithead: The Sinking of the Royal George (2020) British Naval History The Durham Papers (compiler and editor) (2019) Selections from the Papers of Admiral Sir Philip Charles Henderson Calderwood Durham G.C.B. (1763-1845) British Naval HIstory The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (co-author) (2011) Anglo-Jewish History A Time to Keep. The Story of Temple Beth Israel: 1930 to 2005 (co-editor) (2005) Australian Jewish History Trafalgar Captain: Durham of the Defiance (2005) British Naval History The Jews in the Modern World: A History since 1750 (co-author) (2002) General Jewish History Philosemitism: Admiration and Support in the English-Speaking World for Jews, 1840-1939 (co-author) (1999) Anglo-Jewish History Menders of the Mind: a history of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 1946-96 (co-author), (1996) Australian history The Jews in Australia: A Thematic History Volume One: 1788-1945 (1990) Australian Jewish History Chosen: The Jews in Australia (1987) Australian Jewish History The Jews in Victoria, 1835-1985 (1986) Australian Jewish History The Jews in Victoria, 1835-1985 (1985) (boxed hardback edition) Australian Jewish History Captain Luckless: James, first Duke of Hamilton (1606-49) (1975) British History |
RUTLAND, Suzanne |
1946- Academic + writer |
Lone Voice: The Wars of Isi Leibler (2021) Jews of the Outback (co-author) (2010) Pages of history: A century of the Australian Jewish Press (1995) With one voice: A history of the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies (1998) Edge of the Diaspora: Two Centuries of Jewish Settlement in Australia (2001) If You Will It, It Is No Dream: The Moriah Story 1943-2003 The Jews in Australia (2006) Triumph of the Jewish spirit: 40 years of the Jewish Communal Appeal 1967 - 2007 Let My People Go (2015) Co-author with Sam Lipski Articles: Postwar anti-Jewish refugee hysteria: a case of racial or religious bigotry?: An article from: Journal of Australian Studies Three "rich uncles in America": the Australian Immigration Project and American Jewry.: An article from: American Jewish History |
Sydney writer & columnist |
Out There: A Survival Guide for Dating in Midlife (2018) The Little Book of Anxiety: Confessions from a Worried Life (2012) When My Husband Does the Dishes (2012) |
SAFRAN, John |
1972- |
Depends What You Mean by Extremist Murder in Mississippi |
1948- |
1927-2017 Melbourne writer |
The May Beetles: My First Twenty Years (2016) The Lost Art of Baking with Yeast (2010) |
SCHWARZ, Michelle |
1966- Melbourne writer |
A Question of Power: The Geoff Clark Case (2008) One Split Second: The Death of David Hookes and the Trial of Zdravko Micevic (2006) |
SEBBAN, Shira |
1963- Sydney writer + migration agent for refugees |
Vietnam’s Modern Day Boat People: Bridging Borders for Freedom (2024) Unlocking the Past: Stories From My Mother’s Diary (2018) |
SEMEL, Nava |
1954-2017 Israeli author (d) |
Paper Bride (2012) And the Rat Laughed (2008) |
SHAIAK, Gedaliah |
1905-1983 Born in Poland, arrived in Australia 1949 |
Force and Defiance - Der opgot in fayer (Yiddish) (1982) |
Israel-Australian writer based in Sydney |
Returning to Carthage edited by M.A. Hisflop NEW 2021 |
Melbourne Academic + writer |
The Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes The Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes |
Sydney journalist |
SHOLL, Natasha |
Melbourne freelance writer + author |
Found Wanting (2022) |
SINGER, Ivan |
1922-2008 |
My Father's Blessing, My Salvation (2002) The Colour of Liberty (2006) A sequel of the first book. It deals with 20 years of life after the war. |
SINGER, Peter |
1946- Philosopher + writer |
Full list of publications Practical Ethics (2017) Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement (1975) Writings on an Ethical Life |
SINGER, Renata |
1947- |
Older and Bolder: Life after 60 (2015) The Front of the Family (2001) |
1948- Melbourne poet |
The Poet (2005) See all Alex Skovron books Autographs: 56 poems in prose (2008) Infinite City (1999) Sleeve Notes (1992) The Rearrangement (1988) |
1931- Melbourne writer |
Gazing at the Stars (2014) |
SPRING, Joseph |
1927- |
From Berlin to Biere : growing up in the Holocaust (2009) |
1921- Melbourne author |
The Clan (2016) |
STEIN, Darren |
1973- Sydney artist, writer + poet |
The Nut House poems (2014) |
STONE, Deborah |
Melbourne journalist + editor |
Selected Articles |
STONE, Nina (ed) |
1935- |
Silent no more: Melbourne child survivors of the Holocaust : anthology (1999) Born to survive : a long journey to freedom (2015) |
STRUM, Andrew |
Melbourne editor |
Eshkolot (2002) Essays in memory of Rabbi Ronald Lubofsky |
Melbourne based ESL teacher + writer |
Common Ground: An Anthology of Stories Written by Assyrian, Jewish and Sudanese Women (2006) |
SUTTNER, Immanuel |
Sydney poet |
Learn About South Africa (2007) Cutting Through the Mountain: Interviews with South African Jewish Activists Biographical details: Immanuel Suttner was born in South Africa, lived in Israel for ten years, and now resides in Sydney. He has published fiction and non-fiction for children, and a collection of verse, Hidden & Revealed (Quartz/Snailpress 2007). His poems have also been published in literary journals in South Africa, Israel and Australia, and anthologised in several collections. His most recent book was "The African Animal Football Cup", which won the Inaugural Fiction Prize at the Woollahra Local Writer's Word Festival. |
SVED, Miriam |
Melbourne-based writer |
SWAN, Norman |
1953- |
So You Want To Live Younger Longer? The Ultimate Guide to Longevity (2022) So You Think You Know What's Good for You? (2021) The Politics of Subtraction: Public Hospitals in Australia (1985) |
SZEGO, Julie |
Melbourne writer |
The Tainted Trial of Farah Jama (2014) The Tainted Trial of Farah Jama |
TAFT, Margaret |
1953 - Melbourne writer |
A Second Chance: the Making of Yiddish Melbourne (2018) |
TAKAC, Esther |
Melbourne psychologist + writer |
Genesis-The Book With Seventy Faces: A Guide for the Family (2008) |
1952- Sydney barrister, photographer + authour |
Murder at Myall Creek (2016) Eugenia : A True Story of Adversity, Tragedy, Crime and Courage (2012) Shooting Around Corners (2012) |
1981- Sydney classical pianist + writer |
Fugitive (2022) |
TORSH, Daniela |
1946- Sydney writer |
A Women’s Education Catalogue (1976) School’s Out with co author Ken Newcombe (1975) A book about what Australian kids would like their school to be. |
1946- Melbourne author |
Faraway Places (2018) |
TROPE, Nicole |
Sydney author |
Home Sweet Home (2021 (to be published)) Forgotten (2017) Blame (2016) The Boy Under the Table (2013) |
1974- Melbourne writer |
View books + articles |
ULMAN, VIvienne |
1948- Melbourne writer |
Alzheimer's: A Love Story (2010) |
Melbourne writer |
Henderson's: The First 100 Years (1993) Between a rock and a hard place: The story of the development of the EPA (1996) Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses : A Recipe For Success : Four Generations Of Baking Excellence (1997) Building A Life: Ted Lustig's Story (2001) |
VAJDA, Frank |
1935- Melbourne neurologist & writer |
Saved to Remember : Raoul Wallenberg, Budapest 1944 and After (2016) |
VALENT, Dani |
Melbourne cooking writer |
See all Dani's cookbooks (2011, 2013, 2017) |
VALENT, Paul |
1938- Melbourne psychiatrist & writer |
In Two Minds: Tales of a Psychotherapist (2009) From Survival to Fulfilment: A Framework for the Life-Trauma Dialectic (Series in Trauma and Loss) (1998) Child Survivors of the Holocaust (2002) |
VARGA, Susan |
1943- Sydney writer |
Happy Families (1999) Heddy and Me (1994) |
VEROLME, Hetty |
1930- Perth-based writer |
Hetty: A True Story (2010) The Childrens House of Belsen (2000) Now published in Australia, England, Holland, Germany, Italy and France. A film is in the works: stay tuned to this page for details as they come to hand. |
1912-2002 |
I Rest My Case (1995) |
VIDAL, Sara |
1945 Melbourne author |
Bella and Chaim (2017) The Story of Beauty and Life |
WATEN, Judah |
1911-1985 Melbourne writer |
Publications (see list) Alien Son (1952) Unbending (1954) Distant Land (1965) So Far No Further (1971) |
WELDON, Andrew |
1998- Melbourne cartoonist |
I'm so sorry little man, I thought you were a hand-puppet (2002) The Kid with the Amazing Head (1998) Clever Trevor's Stupendous Inventions (1999) |
WEYLAND, Marcel |
1927- Sydney writer Read more |
The Boy on the Tricycle (2016) My Animated Life - Yoram Gross (2011) Polish Poetry : From World War I to the End of World War II, Plus a Postscript (2010) |
WOLSKI, Nathan |
Read more Melbourne academic + writer |
A Journey into the Zohar: An Introduction to the Book of Radiance (2010) New Under the Sun : Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics and Culture (2006) |
WRIGHT, Clare |
1969- Melbourne Historian |
You Daughters of Freedom: The Australians Who Won the Vote and Inspired the World (2019) We Are the Rebels: The Women and Men Who Made Eureka (2015) Beyond the Ladies Lounge: Australia’s Female Publicans (2014) The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka (2014) Democracy Trilogy, Book One |
WYNHAUSEN, Elisabeth |
1946-2013 Melbourne writer |
The Short Goodbye: A Skewed History of the Last Boom and the Next Bust (2011) Manly Girls (1989) Dirt Cheap: Life at the Wrong End of the Job Market (2005) On Resilience (Little Books on Big Themes) (2010) |
ZABLE, Arnold |
1947- Melbourne writer |
The Fighter (2016) Glenn's Story (film script, 1979) Clown Boy (children's book, 1982) The River Man (children's book, 1982) Jewels and Ashes (Scribe, 1991) Wanderers and Dreamers: Tales of Yiddish Theatre in Australia Café Scheherazade (2001) The Fig Tree (2002) Scraps of Heaven (2004) Violin Lessons (2011) |
ZAIL, Suzy |
1966- Melbourne author |
Inkflower (2023) Arabella’s Alphabet Adventure (2022) I am Change (2019) Alexander Altmann A10567/Saving Midnight (2014) Playing for the Commandant (2012) The Wrong Boy (2012) Smitten (2010) All You Need is Love (2008) The Tattooed Flower (2006) |
Melbourne food writer Read more Read more |
In Praise of Veg (2020) Alice's Food A-Z (2015) |
Melbourne writer |
A compassionate guide to dealing with depression (2013) Scent of Oranges (2006-2011) The Third Generation (2012) There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel: Self-help and hope for sufferers of depression: Stories, solutions and strategies (2002) |
ZOHAR, Seree |
Australian born poet based in Israel |
And While Vivaldi Plays Benita Encaged The Haircutter |
ZUCKERMAN, Ghil'ad |
1971- Adelaide based academic & writer |
Israelit Safa Yafa (Israeli, A Beautiful Language) (2008) Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew (2003) |
ZWI, Rose |
1928-2018 |
The Umbrella Tree (1990) The Inverted Pyramid Ravan Press (Johannesburg, 1981) Exiles Ad Donker (Craighall, South Africa, 1984) Biographical notes Born in Mexico, Zwi moved with her parents, who were originally from Lithuania, to South Africa in 1930. In 1949, she moved to Israel in an effort to move away from Apartheid, spent some time in London, and then moved back to South Africa in 1953. Zwi graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) in 1967 with an Honours degree in English Literature. She worked as book editor at Ravan Press between 1979 +1981, and began visiting black townships to take part in illegal poetry readings. In 1988, Rose moved to Australia, where she continued publishing her books. Rose has also written short stories, including "Stones", which won the Thomas Pringle award for best short story. |
1933- |
Fay Zwicky: Poems 1970-1992 (1993) Isaac Babel's Fiddle (Poetry, 1975) Journeys: Poetry of Judith Wright, Rosemary Hobson, Gwen Harwood and Dorothy Hewitt (Editor, 1982) Kaddish and Other Poems (Poetry, 1982) Picnic (2006) The Lyre in the Pawnshop: Essays on Literature and Survival 1974-1984 (Critical Essays, 1986) |
Write Your Story
The program of the Makor Jewish Community Library, Melbourne.
Both the Lamm Library and Jewish Holocaust Centre Library assist local Jewish writers seeking to publish their memoirs.
The Holocaust Centre helps to publish memoirs written by Holocaust survivors who are directly engaged with the Holocaust Centres as current or past volunteers.
The Lamm Library, through their continuing Makor Write Your Story program, fosters the publication of Jewish non-fiction stories of a vast array of Jewish topics by the Melbourne Jewish community.
Authors include: |
Ajzen, Chaim | Chaim Ajzen Remembers |
Ajzner, Hania | Hania’s War |
Altman, Kitia | Memories Of Ordinary People |
Arnstein, Lenke | Recurring Dreams |
Barnett,Mel | Arnaff Good f'r a Dalston Boy: An East London Childhood |
Beckwith, Doreen | Full Circle: The Story of a Chained Woman |
Benjamin, Sydney A.B. | A Full House |
Boas, Bernard A. | The Five Books Of Boas |
Buckner, Ille | Starts and Pauses |
Censor, Maria | Letters To My Mother |
Cherny, Sylvia | Who is Sylvia? |
Cooper, Leo | The Long Road to the Lucky Country |
Eidelson, Meyer | Books, Tanks and Radios |
Eisfelder, Horst ‘Peter’ | Chinese Exile: My Years in Shanghai and Nanking |
Erlanger, Arnold | Choose Life |
Fabian, Garry | A Look Back Over My Shoulder |
Fisher, Myra | Cossacks, Cockneys And Colonials |
Friedmann, Jakob | Reluctant soldier : a Jewish Partisan’s Story |
Gardner, Helen | My Mother’s Child |
Ginzburg, George | A Will to Live: Autobiography |
Goldberg, Paulette | Just Think It Never Happened |
Goldrei, Naomi | The Champions Of My Childhood |
Goldstein, Guta | There Will Be Tomorrow |
Gould, Lucy | Empty Corners |
Gray, Gary | A Spoonful of Soup: and Other Stories |
Grinblat, Ian | Nachum Zalman Gurewicz : a life |
Gust, Itzhak | Such Was Life |
Haberfeld, Lusia | Lauferin : The Runner Of Birkenau |
Harari, Mayer | Second Exodus |
Jawary, Sabiha | Baghdad I Remember |
Kay, David as told to Ian Grinblat | Tough Kid : Surviving Siberia in Style |
Korda, Teri | My Dear Andrea And Andris |
Korn, Henri | Saviours, the Story of a Jewish Altar Boy |
Kozminsky-Meyerowitz, Mena | Keeping the Promise: Memories of a War Bride from Israel |
Leperere, Helen | Memoirs And Reflections |
Mandelbaum, Rae | Echoes From The Past: The Rifka Norman Story T |
Marks, Eva | A Patchwork Life |
Max, Helen | Searching For Yesterday: a Photographic Essay about My Mother, a Holocaust Sorvivor |
Philips, Hartog (Harry) | Just Call Me Harry: Growing Up in A Dutch Village |
Randles, Shirley | No Locked Doors |
Reisman, Kathy | More Than Nine Lives |
Robin, Moshe and Stefa | Stepping Into Life |
Rosenberg, Elfie | Serry And Me: Kindertransport and Beyond |
Rosner, Maurie | The Bell Tolls For Thee and Other Short Stories |
Roth, Marianne | An Intricate Collage |
Rubin, Wolf | Wolf: Surviving By Art |
Schimmel, Marilyn | Pola’s Story |
Schreiber, Vera | The Porcelain Doll |
Schwartz, Schmul | Under Red Skies |
Schwarz, Tess | The First Forty Families: Bringing My Family Tree and Forest to Life |
Searle, Freda | Memory’s Wings And Apron Strings |
Skall, Lily | My Story |
Stern, Max | My Stamp on Life |
van Rijsdijk, Mink | The Shoes of a Foundling |
Wroby, Godel | My Battle for Survival |
Zylberman, Halina | Swimming Under Water |
Thank you to those readers who contributed suggestions, corrected links and love this database!Special special thanks go to David Ades, author of "Mapping the World" and a great friend of this project.