- Federal Organisations
- AIJAC - Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council
- AUJS - Australian Union of Jewish Students
- ECAJ - Executive Council of Australian Jewry
- Zionist Federation of Australia
Access Inc
An advocacy group working for the full inclusion of Jewish people with disabilities into the community.
AJHS - Australian Jewish Historical Society Inc. (Victoria)
Documents the Jewish experience in Australia, which began with the arrival of the First Fleet. Publishes the Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society.
PO Box 8420, Armadale VIC 3143
Fax 61 3 9822 2849 email
AJP - Australian Jewish Psychologists
This group was established to make a professional contribution to the Jewish community and to provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to Jewish psychologists.
President Nicky Jacobs 0409 998 191 email
Aleph Melbourne
Aleph Melbourne is a friendly, secular, social and support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (and non-GLBTIQ supporters) who have a Jewish heritage, living in and around Melbourne, Australia.
Postal address: Unit 2/24 Winbirra Parade,
Ashwood VIC 3147
Phone Michael 0417 595 541 email
Anti-Defamation Commission - B'nai B'rith
The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is an Australian Jewish community organisation whose mission is to fight anti-Semitism and all forms of racism, and promote and cultivate respect and understanding between people of all religions and backgrounds.
306 Hawthorn Rd,
Caulfield South 3162
Phone: +61 3 9272 5677 Fax: +61 3 9272 5671 email
Australia-Israel Friendship Association Inc
We aim to foster links at a grassroots level between Australia and Israel.
PO Box 1058, Belvedere Park LPO Seaford Victoria 3198 email
Australian Jewish Democratic Society
Yael Winikoff, AJDS Community Organiser, 0423 234 069
Australian Jewish Genealogical Society (Victoria)
A non-profit organisation dedicated to collecting, preserving and disseminating genealogical information, teaching research techniques and offering databases to people interested in researching Jewish ancestry.
President: Allan Jankie Vice-President: Debbie Jurblum
email website email Pres email V Pres
Beth Weizman Community Centre
Beth Weizmann Community Centre is the home for cultural, educational and organisational activities.
Phone: 03 9272 5544 Fax: 03 9272 5540
306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield 3162 email
B'nai B'rith Ramblers is the largest Jewish bush walking group in Victoria and affiliated with BushwalkingVic.
Our objective is to provide on average two monthly day walks (within 1 to 1½ hours' drive from Melbourne) to members, friends and visitors who enjoy the environment and the physical exercise. We also have an under 50’s group where supervised children may also participate with their parents.
71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North, VIC 3161
Phone (03) 9576 1116 Fax (03) 9576 0339 email
Community Security Group
The Community Security Group (CSG) is responsible for protecting Jewish communities throughout Australia.
General enquiries – (03) 9519 8600 (Vic)
Emergency Contact – 1300 000 CSG (274) (Vic)
- Courage to Care
An education program and travelling exhibition that educates Australians about racism, bigotry and bullying, and promotes diversity.
71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North, VIC 3161
Phone (03) 9576 1116 Fax: (03) 9576 0339 email
- Descendants of the Shoah
Descendants of the Shoah Inc. began in Melbourne, Australia in 1991 as a group of sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors wanting to explore their parent’s experiences, the similarities in their childhoods and how this would affect their own children, the third generation.
President Pauline Rockman Vice-President Jack Felman email
To reinforce the Jewish identity of the family through the activities of educational programs.
Hatzolah – Emergency Medical Assistance
Hatzolah provides a free Emergency Medical Responder service for Melbourne’s Jewish community
Emergency Number: (03) 9527 5111
Administration phone: (03) 8534 0100 Administration fax: (03) 8534 0150 email
- Israeli Dancing
All Israeli dance classes at all levels in Melbourne.
JEMP: Jewish Emergency Management Plan
JEMP is a community-based emergency management plan coinciding with the State’s Emergency Management Manual Victoria. Run by the Victorian Jewish community to provide a coordinated planning, response and recovery phase for major emergencies affecting the Victorian Jewish community whether the incident is local or abroad.
Executive Administrator: Kathy Kaplan OAM email President jennifer Huppert email 03-9272-5580
Jewish Burial Society - Chevra Kadisha
Melbourne’s Jewish funeral service society. Melbourne Chevra Kadisha aims to provide all information regarding the services and processes for Jewish funerals.
To report a death, please call 03 9534 0208 (24 hours / 7 days)
115 -119 Inkerman Street,
St. Kilda. Victoria 3182
Office hours:
Mon to Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Closed: Shabbat, Jewish Holydays & Victorian Public Holidays
Tel: 03 9534 0208
Fax: 03 9525 3954 Administration: Bianca email
General Manager: Fred Grossman
Tel: 03 9534 0208 email Mobile: 0458 366 898
Jewish Care Victoria
In 1848, visionaries in our community established the foundations of Jewish Care with the establishment of the Melbourne Jewish Philanthropic Society to provide assistance to those in need.
Main Office:
619 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
PO Box 6156, Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Phone: (03) 8517 5999
Fax: (03) 8517 5955 email Click to view map
Anyone interested in having a tour of Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc facilities, should contact the Front Door on (03) 8517 5999
JCCV: Jewish Community Council of Victoria
JCCV is the peak body of the largest Jewish community in Australia, representing fifty five major religious, political, cultural, welfare, educational, religious and social Jewish organisations in Victoria.
306 Hawthorn Road,
Caulfield South, Victoria 3162
President Jennifer Huppert T: +61 3 9272 5566 F: +61 3 9272 5560 email
Executive Director David Marlow 613 9272 5579 0407 389 919 email
Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday: 9am-3pm
Closed on all public holidays and Jewish festivals.
JECO: Jewish Ecological Coalition
JECO was set up to emphasise and deepen the Jewish commitment to sustainability and to raise awareness within and beyond the Jewish community about Judaism’s strong environmental message.
c/o Lamm Jewish Library of Australia, 304 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South, VIC 3162 email
Jewish Care Victoria: Employment and Education Centre
Jewish Care's Education and Employment Centre connects people in the Jewish community with the right job through career advice, job readiness training and an extensive network of employer partnerships to secure rewarding employment opportunities.
Jewish care – employment and education - job vacancies workshop and courses -
recruitment services - job seekers
(03) 8517 5912 email
Jewish Holocaust Museum + Research Centre
The Jewish Holocaust Centre was the fulfilment of a vision by Melbourne Holocaust survivors to create a memorial to the millions of Jews who were murdered between 1933 and 1945. The Centre was established under the patronage of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem and, from its humble beginnings in 1984, has grown to become an active and internationally-recognised institution dedicated to combating racism, hatred and prejudice by fostering tolerance and understanding.
13-15 Selwyn St Elsternwick 3185
Phone (03) 9528 1985
Fax (03) 9528 3758
JLGV - Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria
The JLGV are a group of representatives for the lesbians in the Victorian Jewish community.
Sara : (03) 9532 4030 or Karen : (03) 9489 1130.
- Jewish Task Force Against Family Violence
The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence is a place where families and safety come first.
A community based referral and information service, JTAFV promotes understanding and awareness of the issues affecting healthy family and personal relationships.
P.O. Box 2439, Caulfield Junction Vic 3161
The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence Support Line operates:
Mon – Thu from 10:00am until 5:00pm
In an emergency, Call 000 and activate your safety plan. At other times, see our Links page or where to get help.
Support Line number – (03) 9523 2100
Admin number – (03) 9523 6850 Online contact
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre & National Library
The Kadimah has been active in Melbourne since 1911. An important Jewish, secular, cultural organisation and library it is the most important Yiddish oriented cultural organisation in Australia.
7 Selwyn St., Elsternwick, Vic., Australia 3185
(03) 9523-9817 email
Maccabi Victoria
Maccabi Australia together with our member States and affiliated Clubs exist to promote Jewish identity and continuity – connecting our Jewish community through sport.
Level 1, 176 Bambra Road,
Caulfield South VIC 3162
03 9563 5885 email
Maccabi Toastmasters
Maccabi Toastmasters encourages people of all ages to overcome a fear of public speaking and to become confident and accomplished speakers!
When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (unless it's a Jewish Holiday).
Where: The Herzl Club, 222 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North
Who: Membership is open to everyone of any age.
Please ensure you contact us prior to coming to a meeting. Booking is essential for all past and new visitors.
Join us at our next meeting and see how friendly, fun and entertaining our club is. Best of all there's no pressure to speak or to become a member. Just come along and have some fun!
Magen David Adom Victoria
Magen David Adom is Israel's national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service.
306 Hawthorn Road,
Caulfield South, Vic. 3162
Tel: (03) 9272-5633 Fax: (03) 9272-5634 email
Masada Hospital
Masada Private Hospital is a fully accredited 76 bed acute medical, surgical facility with specialised dermatology, mother baby and rehabilitation services
26 Balaclava Road, East St Kilda 3183
Phone: (03) 9038 1300 Fax: (03) 9038 1309 email
Montefiore Community Residence
Residential aged care option for people requiring guided care permanently, or for times of respite, rest and recovery, in Melbourne at our St Kilda Road location.
619 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
Front Door on (03) 8517 5999 or email
National Council of Jewish Women
Established in 1927, the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (Vic) provides community support, promotes social justice and the empowerment of women in Jewish and general communities.
131-133 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North, VIC 3161
Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm
Friday: 9 am - 3 pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
PO Box 2220
Caulfield Junction, VIC 3161
Phone: 03 9523 0535 email
Read the history of the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia
North Eastern Jewish Centre
Shul and community centre for Melbourne’s north eastern suburbs.
6 High St, Doncaster, VIC 3108
Tel (03) 9857-9000 Fax (03) 9857-4430 email
Hebrew, Yiddish and local Jewish broadcasting - see our detailed Radio page for all information
Saltpillar Theatre
Saltpillar Theatre was founded in 1986 and aims to foster Jewish creative talent in all spheres of the performing arts.
PO Box 1063,Caulfield North Vic 3161 email
Stand Up
Inspired by the Jewish commitment to pursue social justice, Stand Up works tirelessly to repair the world.
128A Wattletree Rd,
Malvern 3144,
VIC PO Box 2,
Malvern 3144,
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm AEST
+61 3 9500 2206 email
Tay Sachs Disease Prevention Program
The Tay Sachs Disease and Related Conditions Screening Program is a genetic screening program that provide genetic counselling and genetic testing for genetic conditions that are common amongst people of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
For further information, please contact the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services.
Phone: (03) 9936 6402 email
Television - The Shtick - Channel 31 Melbourne
‘The Shtick’ is a showcase of humour, music, interviews, community events, information and entertainment from within the wider Jewish community and offers an opportunity to have a valuable link to their culture
Sunday at 8.00 pm Wednesday at Noon
0419 519 607 or
(03)95098241 email1 email 2
The Jewish Mental Health Network
The Jewish Mental Health Network is a group of Jewish Mental Health organisations sharing resources, expertise and knowledge. The member organisations provide services to the Jewish community and encourage community awareness raising the consciousness of mental health issues in the Jewish community.
Phone: 03 9527 4866 Fax: 03 9527 4488 email
Theodore Herzl Social Club
Bridge playing community
Clubroom location:
222 Balaclava Road north Caulfield 3161
Phone 9576 0708 during session times only
Other contacts:
Peter Davis 0438-599-020 Babi Ehrlich 0417-593-101
UIA - United Israel Appeal, Victoria (Keren Hayesod)
The work of UIA deals with aliyah (immigration) and klita (absorption), education, and support for Israel’s most disadvantaged youth.
306 Hawthorn Road,
Caulfield South,
Victoria, 3162
Phone: 9272 5533 Fax: 9272 5530 email
Victorian Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen & Women Inc
Caring for Jewish Military Personnel from Allied Forces & Their Families
PO Box 2121
Moorabbin, Victoria 3189
President Dr Judy Landau Phone 1300 824 000 email
Wings of Care (Kanfei Chesed) Inc
Providing care for the Jewish mentally ill and support for their families.
Contact Lorraine on (03) 9527-4866 Fax: 03 9527 4488 email
WIZO Melbourne
WIZO, the Women’s International Zionist Organisation, is a non-party international movement dedicated to the advancement of the status of women, welfare of all sectors of Israeli society and encouragement of Jewish education in Israel and the Diaspora.
Beth Weizmann, 1st Floor, 306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South, Victoria 3162
Tel: (03) 9272 5588 Fax: (03) 9272 5590 email
Yad Eliezer
Support group for needy families in Israel.
Agudat Yad Eliezer c/o Rose Mehlman 7 Morrice Street North Caulfield, Vic. 3161
Rose Mehlman, Coordinator (039) 532-8350 (041) 703-4994 email
YOW Motorcycle Club
YOW (Yidden on wheels) was formed in 1997, and continues to be a thriving Jewish Motorcycle club.
Contact the Committee
Zionist Council of Victoria
To promote and communicate Israel’s interests within the broader Victorian community and to promote Victoria’s relationship with Israel.
306 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield South VIC 3162 email
Monday-Thursday from 9am-5pm Friday from 9am-3pm
Executive Director Jane Rapke 9272 5544 Fax: 03 9272 5540 email
Melbourne SCHOOLS Melbourne SYNAGOGUES
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