Listen now to The Israel Hour Radio Archives with playlists and links to song words. Click on any date below to hear each program. You can keep browsing other windows while listening, and pause at any time. |
Ah, Passover...the most wonderful time of the year...right? Ready or not, it's that time again. We celebrate with a selection of great Pesach music, plus the hottest songs in the land. Can you think of a better way to celebrate the season?
1. Shmuel Frednik & Amichai Matar - Chad Gadya - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=chadgadya2
2. Gad Elbaz - Ma Nishtana
3. Dikla - Mascara Shchora
4. Yonina - Rega Mechuvan
5. Yossi Azulay - V'hee She'amda - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=vehisheamdah
6. Ivri Lider - Mishehu Paam - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mishehupaam
7. Rita - Yemei HaTom - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yemeihatom
8. Avihu Medina & Uzi Chitman - Dayenu
9. Harel Skaat - Ahava Messovevet HaKol
10. David D'or & Tomer Hadadi - B'tzeit Yisrael Mimitzrayim
11. Yishai Levy - Lipol
12. Guy V'yahel - HaShemesh Tizrach
13. Reut Oman Bergman - Ma Matza Mi Matzah
Where can you find all of Israel's biggest musical celebrities in one place? You've found it. The soundtrack to your week includes music by Shlomi Shabbat, Moshe Peretz, Kaveret, Rita, Ivri Lider and a special medley of songs from "Les Miserables" in Hebrew. Plus - we think we've found the next big Israeli hit song. Are we right?
1. Maya Buskila - Rak Otcha Rotza - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rakotcharotzah
2. Shlomi Shabbat - Chaya B'tochi
3. Roni Dalumi - Ish Shel Laila
4. Hagit Yasso - Avudamet
5. Ivri Lider - BaChom Shel Tel Aviv - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=bachomsheltelaviv
6. Eyal Golan & Omer Adam - Mazal
7. Moshe Peretz & Chanan Ben-Ari - Al Mishkavi
8. Momy Levy & Michael Winslow - Yo Ya - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yoya
9. Kaveret - Natati La Chayai - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=natatilachayai
10. HaBurganim - Darkenu
11. Carolina - Malach
12. Idan Amedi - Nigmar - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=nigmar
13. Rita + Dudu Fisher - "Les Miserables" Medley
14. Rita - Shir Ahuvat HaSapan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shirahuvathasapan
WARNING: You may experience an uncontrollable urge to dance while listening to this show. Enjoy great music by Shlomo Artzi, Rami Kleinstein, the Idan Raichel Project, Eyal Golan, Jane Bordeaux, our official entry to Eurovision 2017, and much more!
1. Idan Raichel Project - Rov HaShaot - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rovhashaot
2. Eden Ben Zaken - Tazizu
3. Rami Kleinstein - Eileh HaChaim Sheli
4. Momy Levy feat. Tedross - Get This Feeling
5. Shlomo Artzi + Yishai Revo - V'haEmet
6. Shlomo Artzi - Al Pi Tnuat HaRakavot - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=alpitnuatharakavot
7. Shiri Maimon - Avor
8. Jane Bordeaux - Ma SheChashuv
9. Imri Ziv - I Feel Alive
10. Moshe Peretz + Omer Adam - Hee Rak Rotza Lirkod - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hirakrotzahlirkod
11. Hadag Nachash + Peled - HaKol Yistader
12. Eyal Golan - Yafe Lach Lihiyot MeUsheret
13. Eli Botner + Yaldei HaChutz - HaKol Nigmar
14. Alon Eder - Shir L'Ima
15. Maor Edri - Ota Manginah
It's a busy Purim Day at Israel Hour Radio! We'll celebrate with an exclusive interview with Ivri Lider, an interview with the leaders of the ORT organization about the upcoming Shlomo Artzi show in New York, and of course, your favorite Purim music! Purim Sameach!
1. Various - Purim Mix
2. Traditional - Chag Purim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=chagpurim
3. Traditional - Ani Purim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=anipurim
4. Traditional - Leitzan Katan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=leitzankatannechmad
5. Traditional - Mischak Purim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mischakpurim
6. Shlomo Artzi - Nivreti Lach - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=nivretilach
7. Shlomo Artzi - HaLayla HaSheni - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=halailahhasheni
8. Shlomo Artzi - Kartis LaLuna Park - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kartislalunahpark
9. Ivri Lider - HaKos HaKchula - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hakoshakchulah
10. Ivri Lider - Zachiti Le'ehov - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zachitileehov
11. Traditional - Shoshanat Yaakov - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shoshanatyaakov
12. Traditional - Mishenichnas Adar - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mishenichnasadar
Another week, another awesome music mix. This time, we'll hear brand new music by Cafe Shachor Chazak, Hatikva 6, and Natan Goshen mong others, take a look at the number one song of two years ago this week, meet Israel's representative to the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest...and have a lot of fun doing it all. We hope you'll join us!
1. Eliad - Miami
2. Koni Aflalo - Ma SheHaLev Bachar
3. Tipex - Yoshvim B'veit Cafe: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yoshvimbevetkafe
4. Avior Malasa - HaKol
5. Aya Korem - Kayitz: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kayitz
6. Cafe Shachor Chazak - Nevsu Higia
7. Gilad Segev + Miri Messika - Kolot HaLev: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kolothalev
8. Hatikva 6 - HaKol Od Lefanai
9. Imri Ziv + Orit Shalom - Parparim: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=parparim
10. Maya Avraham - Im Tachzor
11. Subliminal - Chalom Shel Kol Gever
12. Natan Goshen - Esrim VaShesh
13. Kooki Levana - Sheket
The perfect blend of old and new this week...including familiar favorites by Shlomo Artzi, Kaveret, Shiri Maimon and Ivri Lider - and HOT new tunes by Idan Raichel, HaUltras, Noa Kirel, and the SIZZLING new song by Static and Ben-El Tavori. Download and smile! :-)
1. Dana International - Yeladim Zeh Simcha: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yeladimzehsimchah
2. Momy Levy - Zuz Mitzad LeTzad: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zuzmitzadletzad
3. Shlomo Artzi - Ahavtiha: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=pitomachshavpitomhayom
4. Girafot - Mi Shelo Cholem, KoEs
5. Yehoram Gaon - Kol Hakavod: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kolhakavod
6. Noa Kirel - Ten Li Siman
7. Ivri Lider - Tamid Ahava: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=tamidahava
8. Kaveret - Golyat: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=goliat
9. Eric Berman - HaTmuna HaGdola
10. Static + Ben-El Tavori - Zahav
11. Shiri Maimon - LeAn SheLo Telchi: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=leanshelotelchi
12. Amir Benayun - Ein Od Yofi
13. Idan Raichel - Galgal Mistovev
14. HaUltras + Eden Gabbai - Gever Ohev
15. Shir Levy - HaDimyon Sheli: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hadimyon-sheli
16. Tzvika Pick + Dana International - Mi SheLo Roked, Omed: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mishelorokedomed
It's Super Bowl Sunday in the USA...but what does that have to do with Israeli music? Not much. But it gives us the chance to use the word *Super* more often than we should in hyping up this week's podcast...so join us for a SUPER collection of SUPER Israeli music! BTW...it'll be super.
1. Eyal Golan - Choleh Al Kaduregel: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=melechhamigrash
2. Rita - Achrei She'ahav: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=achreysheahav
3. Peer Tassi - Hakol Zeh Biglala
4. Danny Sanderson - MiKaan HaDerech
5. EZ - Ta'aseh Tov
6. Jane Bordeaux - Ma'agalim
7. Etnix - HaZman Yerape
8. Sarit Hadad - Chikiti Lo
9. DJ Only + Talisman - Ad HaSof
10. Anya Bookstein + Ofer Nissi - Rokedet
11. Hetzel Kabilio - Od Shabbat Shel Kaduregel
Every so often, a collection of songs becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This week's playlist, in our humble opinion, is one of those great collections of music where is each song is better than the last. Listen and let us know if you agree!
1. Shlomi Shabbat - HaLev: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=halev-shlomishabat
2. Roni Dalumi - Achshav Tori
3. Aviv Gefen - Mi Ani HaYom
4. Idan Raichel Project - Chalomot Shel Acherim: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=chalomotshelacherim
5. Adir Getz - Bidiyuk Kmo SheHee
6. Dana Berger - Lo Lipol
7. Danny Sanderson + Mazi Cohen - Zeh HaKol Bishvilech: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zehhakolbishvilech
8. Static + Ben-El Tavori - Zahav
9. Aya Korem - Mehandeset Machshevim
10. Rami Kleinstein - Anashim Tovim: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=anashimtovim-ramikleinstein
11. Talisman - Zanzibar
12. Meital De Razon - Lirkod Im HaShedim
13. Ivri Lider - HaKol Bo'er
14. Sarit Hadad - Bli SheBikashti
15. HaDag Nachash + Avraham Tal - Ten Li Mangina
The life, the career, the soulful music of Meir Banai, who passed away this week at age 55. This week, we play some of his greatest hits and remember a life cut way too short. Plus - some exciting brand new music by (Meir's cousin) Ehud Banai with Barry Sacharoff, Idan Raichel, Dudu Aharon and much more!
1. Meir Banai - U'Veineihem: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=uveineihem
2. Meir Banai - Geshem
3. Meir Banai - Sha'ar HaRachamim: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shaarharachamim
4. Meir Banai and Arkadi Duchin - Ahava K'tzara: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=ahavaktzarah
5. Meir Banai and Achinoam Nini - Aval Ahava: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=avalahavah
6. Meir Banai - Lecha Eli: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=lechaeli
7. Miri Messika - Sha'ar HaRachamim: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shaarharachamim
8. Ehud Banai and Barry Sacharoff - Shir HaChayal
9. Rami Kleinstein - Tamar V'ani
10. Idan Raichel - Galgal Mistovev
11. Eyal Golan and Lior Narkis - Ani Mavtiach
12. Liora Yitzchak - Boee MeHalev
13. Dudu Aharon - Mazal MeOznayim
Mairov Dubrovsky joins us this week with some of the strangest Israeli stories of 2016, as well as some of the hottest Israeli tunes of 2017!
Hear the top three songs of the week, info on our upcoming appearance in Bethesda, MD, some great requests and more!
- Amit Tzach – Eizeh Yom Yafeh - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=eizehyomyafeh
- Sarit Hadad – Lama Li
- Harel Skaat – Mashehu Tov
- Eli Botner and Yaldei HaChutz – Hey
- Idan Amedi – Achshav Kulam Rokdim
- Shiri Maimon and Shimon Buskila – Shir Tikva - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=shirtikvah
- Chanan Ben Ari – Lo Levad
- David Broza – Ay Ahava, Avui Ahuva
- Gal Malka & Static - Ba La Lirkod
- Miri Messika – Tasim Tasim
- Yehudit Ravitz - Ba’a MeAhava - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=baahmeahavah
- Eliad & Shimon Buskila – Linshom

Our first show of 2017 features a look back at Israeli music in 2016.
What are Josh's picks for the best songs of the year? Find out in this great hour of Israeli music!
- Chanan Ben Ari – HaChaim Shelanu Tutim - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=hachayimshelanututim
- Idan Raichel – HaYad Hachama
- Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – Lichyot
- Tipex – Mi HaProvincial
- Shlomo Artzi & Yuval Banai – LaNetzach Yachad
- Moshe Peretz – Tisa 5325 - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=tisa5325
- Subliminal – Tzeva LaChaim
- Static & Ben-El Tavori – Silsulim - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=silsulim
- Dudu Aharon – Sam Tabaat Aleha
- Sarit Hadad & Shalom Hanoch – Eich Zeh At
- Liora Yitzchak – Maala Maala - n/a
- Hatikva 6 & Mosh Ben Ari – Sim Ayin Aleinu
- Muki – Daber Iti
- Dikla – Bediduti HaNehederet
- Eliad & Shimon Buskila – Linshom

It's Chanukah 5777! The Israel Hour is here to offer the soundtrack to your sufganiyot.
Enjoy an hour of great Chanukah music, from traditional Israeli classics to modern favorites, with a few surprises thrown in for good measure.
And when the 25th of Kislev and the 25th of December coincide, the musical results can be, well, interesting...
- Idan Raichel & Avivit Caspi – Relics of Love and Light
- Sarit Hadad – Nadlik B’Yachad Ner - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=nadlikbeyachadner
- Geveret Sufganiya
- Naomi Shemer – Ner Rishon Shel Chanukah
- Matisyahu – Miracle
- Lichvod HaChanukah – http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=lichvodhachanukah
- Dalia Amihud – Banu Choshech LeGaresh
- Subliminal V’Hatzel – Banu Choshech LeGaresh - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=banuchoshechlegaresh2
- Yonina - Banu Choshech LeGaresh / I’m Not Afraid
- The Maccabeats – Candlelight
- Kemach Kemach - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=kemachkemach
- Dalia Amihud – Mi Yemalel - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=miyemalel
- Artur Katz & Vered Ovadia – Chanukah/Christmas Mashup #1 - n/a
- Six13 – Feliz Chanukah
- Artur Katz & Vered Ovadia – Chanukah/Christmas Mashup #2
- Chanukah Chag Yafeh - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=chanukahchanukah
- Sevivon - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=sevivonsovsovsov
- Flory Jagoda- Ocho Candelikas
- Chanukah Brachot - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=chanukahblessings
- Dalia Amihud – Maoz Tzur - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=maoztzur

Our special guest this week: the amazing DAVID BROZA!
David speaks with us about his career, his recent documentary on Netflix, his "old" new song, his upcoming show in New York City...and more!
Plus, a tribute to the late Ahuva Ozeri, and a ton of hot brand new Israeli music!
- Nurit Galron – Sfinoteha - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=sfinoteha
- Dana Berger – Ad HaKatzeh
- Peer Tassi & Alon De Loco – Shatiti
- David Broza – Al Tishali Im Ani Ohev - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=altishaliimaniohev
- David Broza & Maura O’Connell – The Long Road
- Gidi Gov & Aya Korem – Laila Tov
- Moshe Peretz – Kos Shel Yayin
- Hatikvah 6 – Chaim BeSeret
- Yehudit Ravitz & Ahuva Ozeri – HaIsh HaHu
- Carolina – Anan
- Natan Goshen – Chikiti
- David Broza – Noladet Bishvili - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=noladtbishvili

A short but mighty Israel Hour episode this week, featuring great songs by Pablo Rosenberg, Alon Olearchik, Cafe Shacor Chazak, Amir Dadon, Idan Raichel, Kaveret, Lior Narkis and many more!
- Dudu Aharon – Sam Tabaat Aleha
- Shlomo Gronich – Milim Pshutot
- Jane Bordeaux – Einav - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=einav
- Yael Naim – Paris
- Pablo Rosenberg – Tahargi Oti
- Amir Dadon – Kol Yom Kmo Nes
- Alon Olearchik & Café Shachor Chazak – B’toch Einayich
- Lior Narkis – Achat Kamoch
- Idan Raichel – BeChamesh Shniyot - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=bechameshshniyot
- Kaveret – Moishe Ken, Moishe Lo
- Moshe Peretz – Kos Shel Yayin

TODAH! On this Thansgiving weekend in the USA, we're playing songs of thanks...in addition to some of Israel's hottest new music!
You'll hear amazing collaborations between Eliad and Shimon Buskila, Ehud Banai and Barry Sacharoff, Avraham Tal and Infected Mushroom and many more!
THANK YOU for listening to Israel Hour Radio!
- Gali Atari – Ein Li Eretz Acheret - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=einlieretzacheret
- Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – Todah Lecha Olam - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=todahlechahholam
- Riki Gal – Todah Rabba
- Ehud Banai & Barry Sacharof – Pitchi Li Et Daltech
- Café Shachor Chazak – Od Yom
- Chaim Moshe – Todah - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=toda
- Subliminal & Hezi Shaked – Yom Gadol
- Yonina – Ein Li Eretz Acheret / Gam Ki Elech
- Eden Ben Zaken – Af Echad
- Eliad & Shimon Buskila – Linshom
- Uziah Tzadok – Todah
- Shlishiat Pikud Mercaz – Hayom Hayom - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=hayomhayom
- Avraham Tal & Infected Mushroom – Ad Or SheYaale
- Shlomo Artzi – Pitom KsheLo Baat - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=pitomkshelobaat

- Sarit Hadad – Yachad Nenatzeach
- David Broza – Sigalyot - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=sigaliyot
- Yael Naim – Coward
- Yael Naim & Leyla McCalla – Ima
- Hatikva 6 & Mosh Ben Ari – Sim Ayin Aleinu
- Keren Peles – Ratza HaBayta - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=ratzahhabaitah
- HaUltras & Matan Agami – Ba Li
- Matti Caspi – Noach - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=noach

We try NEVER to get political on your favorite Israeli music show, but we feel obligated to pay homage to the new POTUS with the only appropriate song we could find.
Plus - more on the great Israeli concerts touring the USA, incredible new Israeli music, a Hebrew tribute to the late Leonard Cohen...and more!
- Lahakat Chinuch – Halleluyah
- Mike Burstein – Donald Duck - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=donaldduck
- Idan Raichel Project – BaLayla
- Rami Kleinstein – Inyan Shel Zman - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=inyanshelzman
- Muki – Daber Iti
- Omer Adam – Achrei Kol HaShanim
- Café Shachor Chazak – Yehiyeh B’Seder
- Liora Yitzchak – Maala Maala
- Dikla – Bediduti Hanehederet
- Matti Caspi & Aviv Gefen – Mistovev
- Static & Ben-El Tavori – Stam
- Shiri Maimon – Chelek Mimcha
- Moshe Peretz – Kos Shel Yayin
- Harel Skaat – Muvan Li Achshav - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=muvanliachshav

We continue our look back at Israeli music in 5776, feature the top Israeli songs of the past week, take a look at the amazing Israeli concerts touring the United States, and try out Facebook live for the first time - all on this action-packed edition of Israel Hour Radio!
- Ofra Haza – Hitchadshut - http://hebrewsongs.com/song-hitchadshut.htm
- Miri Messika – Ma Asita
- Hadag Nachash – Lo Maspik - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=lomaspik
- Harel Skaat – Anachnu Po
- Benzeen – Yom Shishi - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=yomshishi
- Achinoam Nini – Bo’ee Kallah - http://hebrewsongs.com/song-bo%27ikala.htm
- Café Shachor Chazak – LaUf
- Rita & Kenessiat HaSechel – Di LaKeev
- Gidi Gov – Rikud HaYareach
- Sarit Hadad – Lama Li
- Matti Caspi – Brit Olam
- Dudu Aharon – Ein Kmo Ahava
- Subliminal & Hezi Shaked – Yom Gadol

We continue our wrap up of 5776 in review, with more of the year's best music...PLUS the top three songs of the new year (so far)!
- Shlomo Artzi – Ve’ulai - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=veulai-shlomoartzi
- Yehudit Ravitz – Daber Iti BaAviv
- Eded Ben Zaken – Pisa MiZichroni
- Static & Ben-El Tavori – Stam
- Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – Lichyot
- Yael Naim – New Soul
- Omer Adam & Liran Danino – Sipur Yashan
- Orchim LaChag - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=orchimlachag
- Café Shachor Chazak – Rak La’a lot
- Roni Dalumi – Tistakel Alai
- Mosh Ben Ari – Pit’om - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=pitom
- Sisu V’Simchu - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=sisuvesimchu
- Yuval Dayan – Leilotai
- Amir Dadon – Livchor Nachon

Shana Tovah! Our first show of the year is our favorite show of the year...counting down the top songs of 5776! What were the hottest Israeli songs of the past year?
Did your favorite songs make the list? Tune in and find out!
- Avraham Tal – Hayamim Ovrim
- Hatikvah 6 – Mashehu Naim Lanshama
- Yuval Dayan - Libi Er
- Idan Amedi – Chelek MeHazman
- Idan Raichel – Maagalim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=maagalim
- Messiba BeHaifa – HaUltras, Itai Levi & Alon Matana
- Idan Raichel - Lifnei SheYigamer
- Miami – Eliad
- Avior Malasa – Kayitz
- Chanan Ben Ari – HaChayim Shelanu Tutim
- Eliad – Ruchot
- Eliad – Or
- Subliminal & Eden Gabai – Srutim
- Static & Ben-El Tavori – Silsulim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=silsulim

The Rosh Hashanah show. Songs of Jewish New Year, old and new. Tributes to the late Shimon Peres.
Co-hosted by the publisher of HebrewSongs.com and Israelidances.com
List of Rosh Hashanah songs and dances
1. Stalos & Oren Chen – Avinu Malkeinu - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=avinumalkeinu2
2. Coral Ensemble - Shana Tovah - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shanatova1
3. Ilanit – BaShana HaBa’a - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=bashanahabaah
4. Naomi Shemer – B’Rosh HaShana - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=beroshhashanah
5. Momy Levy – Shana Tovah
6. Aura Levin Lipski – Nirkod LaShalom - http://www.nirkodlashalom.com/
7. Miri Messika – Al TeAtzvi Yisrael
Chanan Ben Ari – Adon HaSelichot - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=adonhaslichot
9. HaParvarim – Hinei Shana Overet - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hinehshanaoveret
10. Adi Cohen – Shana Tovah
Shana Tovah - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shanatova1 |
So what if Josh has laryngitis? The music still sounds amazing, as always. This week, the latest from Sarit Hadad, Eden Ben Zaken, Hatikva 6 and Mosh Ben-Ari, Shalom Hanoch, and new husband-and-wife-team Yonina, plus Rami Kleinstein and Keren Peles LIVE in Cesaria! Come for the music, stay for the fun!
1. Yossi Azulay - El HaOr - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/song-elhaor.htm
Shalom Hanoch – Zoom
3. Idan Raichel – BeChamesh Shniyot - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=bechameshshniyot
4. Dikla – Al Telech
5. Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – B’Gida - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=bgidah
6. Agam Buchbut – Artik Mastik
7. Meir Ariel – Lo Yachol LeHorid Mimech Et HaEinayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=loyachol
8.Eden Ben Zaken – Af Echad
9.Shani Bedicih – Tefilot - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=tfilot
10.Idan Amedi – Achshav Kulam Rokdim
11. Hi-Five - Kulam Rokdim Achshav
12.Hatikvah 6 & Mosh Ben Ari – Sim Ayin Aleinu
13.Yonina – Ahava
14. Sarit Hadad – Yismach Chatani - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yismachchatani |
With our August Chagigot behind us, we now return to the task of bringing you the hottest music in the land of Israel...so this week, we feature the #1 song on Reshet Gimmel's radio countdown, the #1 song on the Galgalatz radio countdown, and the #1 song heard on Israeli radio more than any other overall. Do we have our finger on the pulse of Israeli music fans, or what?
1. Shiri Maimon - Zechuchiyot
2. Peer Tassi & Eden Ben Zaken - Kol HaIr Shelanu
3. Yardena Arazi & Dana International - KsheHagvarim Rokdim
4. Shlomi Shabbat - Sorefet Rechavot
5. David D'or - Tishmor Al HaOlam Yeled - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shmoralhaolamyeled
6. Yehoram Gaon - Shalom Lach Eretz Nehederet - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shalomlacheretznehederet
7. Eliad - Matok Kshemarli
8. Hageshash Hachiver - Shalom Kitah Alef
9. Tipex - Ma Iti
10. Shlomi Shabbat & Yehuda Poliker - Etzlenu Bashchuna
11. Liora Yitzchak - Maala Maala
12. Avior Malasa - Kayitz
13. Evyatar Banai - Pergula
14. Eli Botner & Yaldei HaChutz - Al Ktzot HaEtzba'ot |
The Israel Hour debuted on WRSU Radio in 1976...and now, 40 years later, we're still at it! This week, we celebrate our milestone anniversary with a walk down memory lane, speaking with former hosts Hezi Daus, Yael Zofi Wohl, Dorit Eichhorn Mermelstein and Jacqueline Shagam - and playing the top Israeli songs of 1976. Happy anniversary to US!
1. Kaveret - Hee Kol Kach Yaffa - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hikolkachyafah
2. Tzvika Pick - Dimdumim
3. Arik Einstein - Zo Otah HaAhava - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zootahhaahavah
4. Ilanit - Kach Haya, Kach Yihiyeh
5. Ariel Zilber - Rutzi Shmulik - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rutzishmulik
6. HaAchim V'haAchayot - Yemei Beit Sefer HaTichon
7. Shokolad Menta Mastik - Emor Shalom - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=emorshalom
8. Hakol Over Habibi - HaChagigah Nigmeret - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hachagiganigmeret
9. Unknown - El Eretz Yisrael |
Love to dance? You'll love this collection of Israeli dance music! We're celebrating the worldwide phenomenon of Israeli Dancing on this week's Chagigat Rikudei Am!
1. Tipex – Rikudei Amba - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rikudeiamba
2. Avi Toledano – Hora - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hora
3. Aliza Kashi & Shimon Bar – Erev Ba - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=erevba
4. Uri Feinman – HaNasich HaLavan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hanasichhalavan
5. Shimon Buskila – Lama Li, Lama Lach
6. Lehakat Segol – Adama V’Shamayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=adamahveshamayim
7. Moshe Peretz – Tisa 5325 - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=tisa5325
8. Moshe Peretz & Omer Adam – Hee Rak Rotza Lirkod - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hirakrotzahlirkod
9. Danny Robas – Bricha
10. Yehuda Poliker – Romeo - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=romeo
11. Micha Bitton – Bimkom Preda
12. Ofra Haza – Na’ama - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=naamah
13. Jane Bordeaux – Einav - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=einav
14. Idan Raichel – Ma’agalim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=maagalim |
It's always great to listen to songs of Jerusalem, but on Tisha B'av, those songs become even more meaningful. Enjoy our Chagigat Shirei Yerushalayim, a full hour of songs that bring out the beauty and majesty of Israel's capital city.
1. Ofra Haza – Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yerushalayimshelzahav
2. Rivka Zohar – Al Kapav Yavi - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=alkapavyavi
3. HaGivatron – Zot Yerushalayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zotyerushalayim
4. Yehoram Gaon – Me’al Pisgat Har Hatzofim
5. Ron Eliran – Lach Yerushalayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=lachyerushalayim
6. Hadag Nachash – Shabchi Yerushalayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shabechiyerushalayim
7. HaParvarim – Or Virushalayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=orviyrushalaim
8. Lior Farchi – Chomot Yerushalayim
9. HaAchim V’haAchayot – Bisharayich Yerushalayim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=bishearaichyerushalaim
10. Matisyahu – Jerusalem
11. Ofra Haza – HaKotel - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/song-hakotel.htm
12. Nurit Hirsch & Dan Almagor - Yerushalayim Sheli
13. Ruchama Raz – L’chol Echad Yesh Ir Ushmah Yerushalayim
14. Ruti Navon – Al Chomotayich Yerushalayim
15. Shlomo Artzi – Yevarechecha Hashem Mitzion |
Let the games begin! In honor of the Summer Olympics, we're proud to kick off this year's August Chagigot with our Chagigat Shirei Sport...playing Israeli songs about sports, games, athletics, exercise and more!
1. Dafna Dekel – Zeh Rak Sport - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=zeraksport
2. Avi Toledano – Hitamlut Boker
3. Chaim Moshe – Yarok B’einayim
4. Yardena Arazi – Sfat HaGuf
5. Arik Einstein – Aduma Sheli
6. Kaveret – HaIsh Hachi Mahir
7. Eyal Golan – Choleh Al Kaduregel
8. Etti Bitton – HaAduma Boeret
9. Danny Sanderson – Galshan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hagalshan
10. Rami Fortis & Shlomi Bracha – Ratz El HaKatze
11. Shlomo Artzi – Ma Ma Ma Ma Na Na Na Na
12. HaTayarim – Yalla Maccabi
13. Hertzl Kabilio – Od Shabbat Shel Kaduregel |
This week on Israel Hour Radio: The dogs go to the movies, Yehuda Poliker goes to the USA, Rotem Cohen goes to #1, The Israel Hour prepares to go into *Chagigot* mode...and much more! GO and listen now!
1. Sarit Hadad – DJ Superman - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=misterdjsuperman
2. Gilad Segev – Isha MehaShamayim
3. David Broza & Yael Levy – Shir Ahava Bedui - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shirahavabedui
4. Achinoam Nini & Meir Banai – Aval Ahava - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=avalahavah
5. Nurit Galron – Taltalim
6. David D’or & Tomer Hadadi – Lo Gava Libi - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=logavahlibi
7. Kaveret – Po Kavur HaKelev - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=pokavurhakelev
8. Shimon V’levi – Bo Lo Nigmar
9. Yehuda Poliker – Ani Rotze Gam - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=anirotzehgam
10. Ruchama Raz – Chalomot Shel Etmol - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=chalomot
11. Avior Malasa – Kayitz
12. Miri Messika – Yom Rishon
13. Erez Lev Ari – At Cheruti
14. Danny Sanderson – Etzel HaDoda V’haDod - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=etzelhadodavehadod
15. Rotem Cohen – Zeh Lo At |
Put simply, you are going to LOVE this week's music mix! This amazing collection of recent Israeli hits includes several songs perfect for summer. If you like music, and you like fun, then stop reading and just listen already!
1. Eliad – Miami
2. Shiri Maimon – Ad SheTavin Oti - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=adshetavinoti
3. Dudu Aharon – Sam Taba’at Aleha
4. Oren Barzily – Kol Ma SheAni Rotze
5. Static & Ben-El Tavori – Chof HaYam
6. Rami Kleinstein & Rita – Shemesh - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shemesh
7. Hatikvah 6 & Infected Mushroom – Kopengan
8. Harel Ska’at – Achshav
9. HaDag Nachash & Yehudit Ravitz – Ad HaSof
10. Oded Weiss – Lo Shomea Radio
11. El Al “Landing Song” – Karov LaLev
12. Tzvika Pik – Ma’ala Ma’ala - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=malamala
13. Subliminal – Tzeva LaChaim
14. Moshik Afia – Birchovot Shel Tel Aviv
15. HaUltras, Itai Levy & DJ Aylon – Messiba B’haifa |
Sarit Hadad and Shalom Hanoch? In duet? Singing Muzika Mizrachit??? It's true! You'll hear this interesting new song, and so many more of today's biggest Israeli hits, this week on Israel Hour Radio. Download now!
1. Dudu Aharon – Tagidu La - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=tagidula
2. Avraham Tal – Mechuzakim L’olam
3. Momy Levy & Margalit Tzna’ani – Na’ari Shuva Elai - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=naarishuvahelai
4. Nir Demirel – Normali
5. Keren Peles – Rak Elohim Yishpot Oti
6. Dana International & Idan Yaniv – Seret Hodi - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=serethodi
7. Shlomo Artzi & Yishai Revo – V’haEmet
8. Agam Buchvot – Kmo B’Rio
9. Static & Ben-El Tavori – Silsulim
10. Maya Buskila – Lo Mitbayeshet Le’ehov
11. HaParvarim – HaMitagref
12. Tipex – Laila Laila Tov
13. Sarit Hadad & Shalom Hanoch – Eich Zeh At
14. Amir Dadon – Livchor Nachon |
Where else will you hear Al Kol Eileh followed by the latest Israeli rap song? You never know what you'll hear next on Israel Hour Radio! This week, our usual mix of AMAZING Israeli songs, some fun music we found online, and a discussion of Hebrew names that don't sound quite as good outside of Israel. You'll love it!
1. Hadag Nachash – Ma SheBa Ba
2. Moshe Peretz – Ein Kmo Babayit
3. Café Shachor Chazak – Hinei Zeh Kore
4. Rita – Mechakeh - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mechakeh-rita
5. Samir Shukri – Rona - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rona
6. Eden Ben Zaken & Peer Tassi – Kol Ha’ir Shelanu
7. Maor Edri – My Name Is…
8. Naomi Shemer – Al Kol Eileh - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/song-alkoleleh-bikel.htm
9. Michael Grillsammer – Yalla Bo’ee
10. Dadi Dadon – Zachit Bi
11. Static & Ben-El Tavori – Silsulim
12. Idan Amedi – BaZman HaAcharon
13. David Broza – Isadora |
The hottest songs in the land are here! After a couple weeks away, we're thrilled to be back with an all-new Israel Hour! This week, an all-star lineup featuring Rami Kleinstein, Keren Peles, Ivri Lider, Kobi Aflalo, Idan Raichel, Moshe Peretz, Cafe Shachor Chazak...and many more! Plus, The Israel Hour celebrates Father's Day!
1. Orna &Moshe Datz – Kaan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kan
2. Muki – Yeled Shel Aba
3. Kobi Aflalo – Ani Lo Rak
4. Idan Raichel Project – Achshav Karov
5. Osnat Paz – Aba Sheli
6. Dikla – Hu Kotev Li Mami
7. Moshe Peretz – Tisa 5325 - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=tisa5325
8. Arik Einstein – Uf Gozal - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=ufgozal
9. Chanan Ben Ari – HaChayim Shelanu Tutim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hachayimshelanututim
10. Subliminal, Etti Bitton & Maor Edri – Nes
11. Yisrael Yitzchaki – Aba’la Bo LaLuna Park - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=abalehbolelunahpark
12. Ivri Lider & Ofer Me’iri – Or Rishon
13. Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles – Toda Lecha Olam
14. Café Shachor Chazak – Hinei Zeh Koreh |
The Israel Hour welcomes special guest Idan Raichel, telling us about his latest album, his solo concert tour, his life as a parent and more! Plus - the hottest songs in the land, starring Dudu Tassa, Lior Narkis, Yuval Dayan, Eliad and many more!
1. Dor Daniel - Koreh Lach
2. Danny Sanderson - L'hatzil Et HaOlam
3. Mosh Ben Ari - Mamri'im - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mamriim
4. Lior Narkis - Tzvika
5. Etti Biton - Hipster
6. Idan Raichel - Lifnei She'yigamer
7. Idan Raichel - Ma'agalim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=maagalim
8. Leah Shabbat - Bayit
9. Kathleen Reiter - Kloom Lo Ozer Li
10. Yuval Dayan - Bediyuk Kmo HaYareach
11. Dudu Tassa - HaGola |
Looking for Israel's hottest songs? You've come to the right place! You'll hear the top four songs on Reshet Gimmel's weekly countdown.....
plus a look into Idan Raichel's upcoming solo appearances in the US! All that and much more, this week on Israel Hour Radio!
1. Idan Raichel Project - Mimaamakim - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=mimeamakim
2. Ninette Tayeb - Hee Yodaat - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hiyodaat
3. Momy Levy - Baanu Lehha'ir Ta'ir - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=banulehairtair
4. Idan Amedi - Chelek Mehazman -
5. Chovi Star - Made of Stars -
6. Harel Moyal - Lo Makirim Otcha -
7. HaUltras V'hakoma Hat'shi'it - T'luya B'avir -
8. Idan Raichel - Lifnei Sheyigamer -
9. Rami Kleinstein - Yom Shelo Yachzor -
10. Roni Dalumi - Ktzat Acheret -
11. Kobi Aflalo - Michtav L'achi - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=michtavleachi
12. Shiri Maimon - Ahava Ktanah - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=ahavaktana
13. Moshe Peretz - Tisa Chamesh Shalosh Shtayim Chamesh - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=tisa5325 |
Only 30 minutes this week, but you'll love each second. In honor of the Eurovision Song Contest, we're playing Israel's greatest Eurovision hits! You'll hear some of Israel's most beloved songs of all time. Tune in...and sing along!
1. Avi Toledano - Hora - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hora
2. Orna and Moshe Datz - Kan - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=kan
3. Boaz Sharabi - Halevai - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=halevai
4. Yardena Arazi - Muzika Nisheret - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=musikahnisheret
5. Yizhar Cohen - Abanibi - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=abanibi
6. Chalav U'dvash - Halleluyah - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=haleluyah-eurovision
7. Dana International - Diva - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=diva
8. Hakol Over Habibi - Halaila - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=halaila
Our annual Yom Ha'atzmaut spectacular.
Celebrate Israel's 68th birthday with your favourite Shirei Eretz Israel......songs celebrating the land of Israel.
1. Yom Ha'atzmaut Dance Mix
2. Hatikvah 6 - Hachi Yisraeli
3. Ilanit - Yisrael Sheli Chogeget - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=israelshelichogeget
4. Ilana Avital - Aba, Ima V'eretz Yisrael - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=abaimaveretzisrael
5. Subliminal and Shlomi Shabbat - Eretz Ahuva - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=eretzahuvah2
6. Lahakat Chel Hayam - Rak B'yisrael - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rakbyisrael
7. Orna and Moshe Datz - Kachol V'lavan, Ani Yisraeli
8. Sarit Hadad - Baruch Haba L'yisrael
9. Yehoram Gaon - Shalom Lach Eretz Nehederet - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shalomlacheretznehederet
10. Datia Ben Dor - Eretz Yisrael Sheli Yaffa V'gam Porachat - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=eretzyisraelsheli
11. Yehudit Ravitz - Eretz Tropit Yaffa - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=eretztropityafah
12. Eyal Golan - Yisrael
13. Ofra Haza - Chai - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=chai
14. Festigal 2007 - Machrozet Shirei Eretz Yisrael |
After 21 years, Mairov finally gets the chance to interview her Israeli musical idol, Yuval Banai of Mashina! This week, Yuval speaks with Mairov and Josh about the band's upcoming US tour, his number one collaboration with Shlomo Artzi, his future plans and much more!
1. Mashina - Rakevet Laila - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=rakevetlailah
2. Irad - Chad Gadya
3. Mashina - Az Lama Li Politika Achshav - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=azlamahlipolitikahachshav
4. Mashina - Achakeh Lach BaSadot
5. Yossi Azulay - V'hee SheAmda
6. Mook-e - Lev Chofshi
7. Mashina - Shlach Li Malach - http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=shlachlimalach
8. Shlomo Artzi and Yuval Banai - Lanetzach Yachad
9. Avihu Medina and Uzi Chitman - Dayenu
10. David D'or - Btzeit Yisrael Mimitzrayim
11. Mashina - Birchovot Shelanu |
April 10
2016 |
An abbreviated show this week, jam-packed with great music! We look at new albums from Shlomo Artzi, Eyal Golan and The Revivo Project...hear from Subliminal on why Israeli rap needs to be political...play some great songs you probably haven't heard in a while...and more! |
Playlist: |
April 3
2016 |
Want to keep up with today's hottest Israeli hits? You've come to the right place! This week, a few great new duets, including Hatikva 6 + Infected Mushroom, Shlomo Artzi + Yuval Banai, Rami Kleinsten + Keren Peles and more! |
Playlist: |
March 27
The biggest names in Israeli music! Hadag Nachash, Keren Peles, Rita, Eyal Golan, Miri Messika, Rami Kleinstein, Eliad, Shai Gabso and many more!
Playlist: |
March 20
2016 |
With Purim on the way, it's time to have some fun. We've got music that'll put you into a good mood, make you smile, and leave you wanting more!!
Playlist: |
March 13
If you like music, Israel or fun, you'll love this week's broadcast - featuring the latest from Tipex, Sarit Hadad, Balkan Beat Box, Shlomi Shabbat, Mosh Ben-Ari and many more. You'll be smiling all hour long!
Playlist: |
March 6
The top three Israeli songs of the week, full coverage of Israel's song selection for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest, and a great playlist of Israeli music. What more could you ask from the BEST Israeli music radio program on the planet?
Playlist: |
February 21
2016 |
A pretty amazing mix of Israeli music, if we may say so ourselves...featuring today's hottest hits, some amazing listener requests, an Israeli hotel's "Leap Year Day" special unlike any other, and a tribute to the great Ofra Haza, 16 years since her passing. |
February 14
2016 |
A fantastic hour of Israeli music awaits you on this week's show! We'll remember Shoshana Damari a decade after her passing, play some incredible new music by some of Israel's finest, and keep you smiling with some amazing Israeli tunes! |
Playlist: |
February 7
2016 |
Gefen, Haddad, Kleinstein, Nini, Poliker, Raichel, Peles, Robas, Banai, Subliminal...and MANY more...all this week on Israel Hour Radio!
Playlist: |
January 31
2016 |
The top four songs in the land of Israel, an amazing cover of an English song by an Israeli artist, an incredible a capella mash-up, and so much more...all this week on The Israel Hour! |
Playlist: |
January 17
2016 |
By popular demand, we're playing a SECOND week of Israeli oldies! This week, we're featuring the #1 songs of the year from 1963-1976. Tune in ... and prepare to smile! |
Playlist: |
January 10
2016 |
How can you not love Israeli oldies? The Israeli music of yesteryear is fun, meaningful and often reminiscent of a simpler time. You're sure to enjoy this first week of a 2-part series on Israeli oldies! |
Playlist: |
January 3
2016 |
Happy 2016! It's as good a time as any to look back at the best Israeli music of 2015, no? Hear all your favorites this week, right here! |
Playlist: |
The Israel Hour brings "the stars of Israel to the skies of the world," with the very best in Israeli music.
The Israel Hour often produces special programming devoted to Israeli religious/cultural holidays (Israeli Independence Day, Jerusalem Day, Chanukah, etc.), as well as special shows dealing with unique themes in Israeli music (past examples include shows devoted to children's music, Mizrachi (Mediterranean) music, music of the Eurovision and Pre-Eurovision Song Contests, countdown shows, etc.).
The Israel Hour offers the very best in Israeli music - from classic favorites to contemporary hits. You won't find a better variety of great Israeli music - along with discussion and commentary in English - anywhere else! |
Where it began and why listen? "Israeli Music: Are You Listening?"
Josh Shron's Yom Ha'atzMaut blog 2016: "Sounds of Pain, Sounds of Pride" |