Jewish Music, Australian Musicians & Performers

"If music be the food of love, play on"
Welcome to the directory of Australian Jewish musicians and performers.
For links to Jewish, Israeli, and world music plus hundreds of transliterated Hebrew song words visit
"Jewish Music Beyond Belief" - The Shir Madness Festival
Next Festival 2020
Australian Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Adam Starr
Musician and composer for filmAlter Jazz Ensemble
A pioneering music project that fuses traditional Jewish prayer and song with jazz music.Ariella Jacobs
Australian Archive of Jewish Music
Australian Jewish Music Ensemble (Pazit)
Brett Kaye
Dave Kaplan Band
David Krycer
Klezmania band member David performs in a variety of styles, klezmer, Gypsy, jazz, rock with other bands or solo for simchas or concerts.
He teaches guitar, bass guitar, double bass and ukulele at his home studio.
Deborah Conway - Willy Zygier
Emily Schnall - Emilia
Ernie Gruner
Violinist & fiddler, teaches klezmer tunesGalit Taylor Klas
Karen Feldman
Infectious Eastern European Jewish Music with Gypsy, Jazz & Middle-Eastern influences.Lashir Beyahad
Melbourne based Israeli sing-a-long club run by guitarist Oded Gordon.Liron Choir
Melbourne Jewish Male Voice Choir
Miriam Lieberman
Mir Kumen On Yiddish Choir
Mrs Goldberg Band
(yes, that's their real name......)
They play a mix of 60's and 70's music with a bit of a bent towards R&B, but lots of ballads and classics that you can sing along to.Musica Viva Australia
Music Works - Let's Sing!
Music Theatre Australia
Noemi Liba
Reflections of
Rita Satch
Contemporary "neo-soul"
Sam Green
Samantha Cohen
Sharon Davis
Jazz piano and vocalsShirael Music
Tamara Vasilevitsky
The Bashevis Singers
A Yiddish journey through time and space.The Bornstein Ultimatum
Vered Harel
Israeli singer/songwriter and music teacherWelcome to Music
Zemer Israeli Choir (Keren Or)
Mickey Shaked
Adam Katz
Balkansi Klezmer Band
Balkansi Klezmer Band is a Sydney based ensemble specialising in traditional Eastern European, Klezmer, Balkan and Gypsy music from countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia. The members of the band include Tamara Auer on Violin, Ben Lomnicki on Clarinet, Nick Hagan on Guitar, Dominic Kennelly on Bass, Jason Wu on Darbuka Drum, and special guest vocalist Sarah Arnold.
Catch 22
Performing in 11 languages, Catch 22 offer a selection of traditional songs & dancing numbers & Horas (in Yiddish & Hebrew), and some contemporary numbers in Hebrew.
Chutney Klezmer
A klezmer band with a twist, playing a twangy mix of traditional klezmer tunes, plus Israeli folk, jazz, gypsy, funk and more.
Dahlia Dior
David Scheel
Emanuel Lieberfreund
Fay Sussman
George Dreyfus
Lead singer Ilan Kidron sings in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Ladino and Hebrew.Hylton Chilchik Band
Josh Oshack
Klezmer Divas
Leonie Cohen Jazz Quartet
The band plays a mixture of Leonie's original compositions and arrangements of Jewish and jazz standards. The line-up is piano (or keyboard), saxophone, double bass and drums.Leonora Ensemble
A string quartet that plays Jewish music in a classical idiom. A professional classical string quartet with a significant Jewish repertoire.
The Leonora Ensemble under the musical directorship of Janet Silverton, is classically trained and its repertoire includes substantial Jewish/Yiddish arrangements for trio and string quartet with the option of flute.
The Leonora Ensemble is quite unique in this field, as it is not a 'Klezmer band' but a classical group that also performs authentic Jewish repertoire in the classical idiom.Lior
Joanna Weinberg
Mark Ginsburg Band
Monsieur Camembert
Natalie Gamsu
Phillip Foxman
Sam Joole
Simon Tedeschi
Steve Mazabow
Steve brings his Jewish and Yogic paths together in a unique musical form. He blends Nigunim/Kirtan Spiritual music and plays a mixture of Didgeridoo, Acoustic Guitar, Native American Flute and Hang Drum – HandpanSydney Jewish Choral Society
Tin Pan Orange
Emily Lubitz and guitarist brother Jesse Lubitz, with violin virtuoso Alex Burkoy.
New Zealand
The Jews Brothers Band
Wanting to hire an instrument? We highly recommend
Who are we missing? Please let us know!
the publisher of Jewish Australia Online