Wings of Care Inc- Kanfei Chesed



Wings of Care - (Kanfei Chesed) Inc
Wings of Care (Kanfei Chesed)  Incorporated

Providing care for Jewish people with a mental illness and support for their families.

Wings of Care exists as an ancillary organization of the
Jewish Mental Health Network.
Both organisations are involved in JCCV Social Justices Committee.

Services include:

  • A Help-line (03) 9527-4866 Hours Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Friday 9-3pm Sunday 1.30-5pm .
  • A ‘friendly visiting' service with hospital and home visits.
  • A professional training program for ‘volunteers' to become visitors.
  • A mutual support program for consumers from which developed the Consumer Website
  • A Carer Support Group.
  • The Jewish Mental Health Network Newsletter.
  • Making available resource information from the Jewish and wider Communities.
  • Providing a Drop-in every second Sunday afternoon, sometimes with activities.
  • Providing professional development and community educational programmes.
  • ERA (Educational Recreational Activities) programme
This website gives an insight into the activities of Wings of Care as well as an opportunity to utilise our resources. It outlines our services and encourages participation in mental health issues.


Jewish Mental Health Network.

Victorian Jewish Mental Organizations linking together as a Network participating as a resource with each other and to the Community by the process of referral. We are also providing a forum for sharing knowledge and professional expertise with each other and the Community.

It originated as a pilot program of Wings of Care. Its members consist of: Chesed; Chevra Hatzolah; The Holocaust Centre; Institute of Judaism & Civilization Inc; JEMP; Jewish Care Melbourne Inc;; Jewish Chaplaincy; Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence; and Wings of Care(Kanfei Chesed) Inc. Others are possibly soon to be included.