Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur 2009 - Jewish Year 5770
The fast begins Sunday evening September 27 - Kol Nidre

Ends Monday evening September 28

See your local Synagogue website for details of services in your area

Click on to our page of great Kol Nidre video and audio clips
Hear different versions of the prayers from many sources

Yom Kippur prayers  (easy to read transliterations and translations)
Kol Nidre
The opening phrase of the evening service of Yom Kippur
begins predominantly in Aramaic and means "All vows"

Shma Koleinu  -  Avinu Malkeinu

High Holiday prayers on CD
Prepare for Yom Kippur
Australian Yom Kippur links
For teens, adults and educators
For kids
International links
Kol Nidre
The opening phrase of the evening service of Yom Kippur
begins predominantly in Aramaic and means "All vows"
Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur summary
jr.co.il Yom Kippur page with multiple links
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