Snapshots from our Lives

BOOKS > Australian Writers
Snapshots from our Lives

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Snapshots from our Lives
Hybrid Publishers

The 50-odd stories in this book provide unique and privileged glimpses into the lives of a diverse group of Jewish adults, all members of an organisation, B'nai B'rith Melbourne Mitzvah Lodge.

Some writers, it is clear, spent a carefree youth in Australia. For others the early years of life proved far more difficult and complex, for example in war-torn Europe.

The more than 50 stories in this book represent the harvest that was ultimately reaped.

Collectively they provide unique and privileged glimpses into the lives of a diverse group of adults. Some writers, it is clear, spent a carefree youth in Australia.

For others the early years of life proved far more difficult and complex, for example in war-torn Europe. Backgrounds or circumstances which prompted decisions to travel to distant shores are recounted, as are examples of the many lessons to be learnt and hurdles to be surmounted on arrival in Australia.

There are stories in which authors share significant moments, people, or events in their lives. In brief, many different voices are represented in this collection.

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